2月15日は合同礼拝で説教は英語のみでしたが、以下に日本語訳を載せます。 安達
18日は灰の水曜日、レント(四旬節)に入る準備は良いだろうか? キリスト教会に通っている方々の間でも、ここカリフォルニアにはあまりにも多くのプロテスタント教会があるため、レントに対する考え方はさまざまなのかと思う。 日本やアジアでは、もっとその文化・宗教の広がりから、レントに対する考えや習慣ももっと広がっていると思う。
私はロシア正教会の家庭で育ったため、レントのことは、日本語では大斎(おおものいみ)という、斎というのはそもそも日本神道で使われていた言葉ではないかと思う。 また「物忌み」という言葉ともつながっているのだろう。 斎に大がつくわけで、英語なら、Great Lent である。 大騒ぎなのだ。。。
しかし、結婚したころに妻の通っていたプロテスタント教会に行き始めたが、レントに入るからといって、特別なプログラムがあるわけではなく、復活祭当日に、教会の総会があったりして、同じキリスト教会でもこうも違うものかと思った。 )
正教会の我が家は、祖母はいっさい肉は食べなくなる。 日本ではどちらにしろ、牛肉は高かったので、我が家の食卓でも、レントの期間は、いっさい牛肉は食べなかったと記憶している。ただ、栄養が偏るといけないので、母は豚肉や鶏肉は料理に使っていた。
40日間のレントの期間が過ぎ、復活祭当日は、明け方に礼拝なのだが、我が家は明け方の礼拝がまだ終わらないころから、教会で飲んで食べての祭りとなる。 私がビールや祖母の料理した牛肉のおにしめがこんなにおいしいものだと思ったのは、礼拝がまだ終わらないうちに、ロシア正教会のフェローシップホールでのできごとだった。
それから6日後、イエスはペトロ、ヤコブ、ヨハネを連れて山登りにでかける。 頂上付近に来ると、異変がおこる。
まずイエスの状態が真っ白にかわる。 どんなさらし職人が白くしたとしても、それ以上の白さにはなりえないというくらい真っ白だった。 そして、どうしてそれが、モーセとエリヤだとわかったのかは知らないが、とにかく、モーセとエリヤがいっしょにいる。
そして、弟子たちはますますわけがわからなくなっていて、怖くなってペトロは「仮小屋を三つ建てましょう。などと言う。 どうやって建築資材を運ぶのかも考えずに、口からでまかせをいう。
そのような困惑した弟子たちに、「これは私の愛する子。これに聞け。」という天の声が聞こえる。 このこれに聞けということは、ただ、イエスのいうことを耳で聞けばよいということではなく、その前にイエスが語っていた、自分を捨て、自分の十字架を背負って、イエスに従うようにということを、示唆しているように思う。
さて、どうすべきか? 再三言うように、弟子たちは、イエスがこれからどうなってしまうのかはよく理解できなかった。 しかし、歴史を知っており、イエスがどうなってしまったかを知っている現代に生きる私たちは、どうイエスに聞き従っていったらよいのだろうか?
ここで、イエスが弟子たちに話したことであり、実際に起こったことを今一度振り返りたい。 イエス自身は、弟子にも、また周囲のものからもうらぎられ死んでしまうということでは終わらなかった。
イエス自らが語っていたように、三日後にはイエスは復活したことを覚えていたい。 水曜からレントに入るが、私たちがわかっていることは、十字架にかかった金曜日、その三日目の日曜には、イエスは復活したことだ。
レントは40日だが、復活のレントの期間の日曜は、40日にカウントしていない。 つまり、レントの期間も日曜は復活の日曜だ。 水曜からレントに入るにあたり、レントの終わりには、イエスの勝利、復活があることを、しっかり心にすえて、イエスに聞き従おう。
今年の復活日は、どんなにか意義深く、また人生の方向性を大きく変える時になるだろうか。 それは、私がはじめて復活祭ではじめてビールや牛肉の味がわかったように、一味違う、復活祭を祝うことができるように、レントの日々、悔い改め、奉仕、奉献の日々があたえられるように!
“Listen To and Follow Jesus”
Mark 9:2-9
May the Grace and Mercy of the Lord be poured into the hearts of the people in this sanctuary!
Are you ready for the season of Lent? Today, four days before we enter into Lent, we celebrate the
Transfiguration of our Lord, Jesus Christ. In California, there are so many different Christian denominations, often with different understandings about Lent. If we go to Japan or other Asian countries, the understanding of Lent is even more diverse. Not because of more Christian denominations but because of different additional religions in Asia. Even with these other understandings, there are much more people who do not know anything about Lent.
I attended the Asian Lutheran International Conference with Paul Coulter, David and Judy Wiggins, and Fumi Liang two weeks ago. One of the presenters, Professor Paul Rajashekar from Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, shared an insight that made me stop and think. He said, “Christianity is not Transformation but Transfiguration.” In Asia, most of the major religions are non-Western, and Christians are living among those different religions. For me, it makes sense to say Christianity is not really Transformation but more Transfiguration among neighbors who practice different religions or different Christian understandings.
I would like to share my experiences in Japan. As many of you know, since I was born to and raised in a Russian Orthodox Family, which is very rare in Japan, Lent was a very serious thing in our family. In Japanese, Lent is called “Oomonoimi” translated from the words “Great Lent.” And when it is over, there was a great vigil service that started after midnight on Easter morning.
When I married my wife, I started attending a Protestant church, I was surprised that there were no special services during Lent. Also at that church, Easter service was like a regular service and some years we had annual meeting after Easter service because many churches, in Japan, start their fiscal year on April 1st.
Back to Orthodox tradition, many members of our Russian Orthodox Church stop eating meats during Lent. Especially since beef was very expensive in Japan, at that time, so our family seldom ate beef anyway.
After forty days of Great Lent, on Easter morning, there was a great celebration about the time the vigil service was over. To be honest, it was at the fellowship hall next to the Orthodox cathedral when I first realized how tasty my grandmother’s beef dish while drinking a refreshing beer.
The Sunday before Ash Wednesday, the Gospel given is the part of the Transfiguration of Jesus. It’s the beginning part of Mark Chapter 9, which I read a few minutes ago.
Although this was not a part of today’s gospel, at the end of Chapter 8, Jesus began teaching his disciples that the Son of Man must undergo great suffering, and be rejected by Jewish leaders, be killed, and after three days rise again. However, his disciples did not understand what Jesus taught them. Peter even rebuked Jesus. Jesus taught: deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow him. But no, his disciples did not understand what that truly means or what would ultimately happen.
Then Jesus took Peter, Jacob, and John to the mountain. At the peak, his disciples experienced a very abnormal event.
At first, Jesus was transfigured before them, and his clothes became dazzling white, such as no one on earth could bleach them. And there appeared to them Elijah with Moses, although I can not figure out how the disciples knew they were speaking with Elijah and Moses.
Peter was very confused and said, Why don’t we make three dwellings?”, although I do not know how he could bring building materials to the top of the mountain without any heavy lifting equipment…
Addressing the confused and very scared disciples, there was a voice from heaven in the midst of clouds, “This is my Son, the Beloved; listen to him!” What does it mean?
“Listen to Him.” I believe this is not just about hearing Jesus’ voice. I believe God was suggesting “deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Him,” as Jesus taught the disciples a few days ago.
What should the disciples have done? Did they really follow Jesus? No, they could not because they did not listen to him well. Because they could not understand well what would happen to Jesus. However, I would say they followed Jesus after they noticed that Jesus suffered, was crucified, and resurrected.
For those of us who know what happened to Jesus, what should we do entering Lent? Let us reflect upon what happened to Him. He did not end with his betrayal, crucifixion, and death. Like he taught, He was resurrected on the third day. Although a week from now, we will enter into Great Lent or just Lent, whatever you choose call it, we should remember he was crucified on Friday but resurrected on Sunday.
I believe the transfiguration of Jesus Christ was the preview of his death but much more importantly this was also the preview of the Resurrection. I really like the Christian church wisdom that does not count Sundays as part of the forty days of Lenten season. Even during Lent, Sundays are the days we remember His Resurrection.
Why don’t we enter the season of Lent remembering His Resurrection? Why don’t we repent and deny ourselves, take up our crosses, follow Jesus, and offer ourselves to God? After 40 days of Great Lent, I experienced the great taste of beer and beef for the first time in my life, many years ago, I hope and pray that each of us also experience something very new, this year, on Easter.
Pr. Hitoshi Adachi