John 3:14-21
私は牧師になる前は医療電子機器の会社に勤めていた。アメリカの市場で何千台もの機器を病院に納めさせていただいた機械に脳波形があった。 脳波計とは患者の脳波を測定し、記憶装置に治め、脳の解析の手助けをする。使用目的の一つに睡眠の解析がある。
睡眠解析をする件数は、90年代に飛躍的に増大した。というのは、アメリカ人の10人に一人は睡眠障害があるといわれだしたから。学会などにも参加して、医師と対話する機会もあった多かった。 学んだことのひとつに、睡眠障害の7割方は、呼吸系の問題。睡眠時無呼吸になってしまったときに、呼吸を助けるマスクをして対処している方が家族にいたり親戚にいる方もいると思う。
残りの3割は呼吸系の要因ではなく、じつにさまざまな要因で、脳神経に関する原因であるが、その機序は複雑とのことだった。 ある医者は、残りの3割の不眠症は、本当に、それを病として治療することが良いのかどうか疑問であり、かなりの場合は、自分は治療をしないということを述べていた。 神経が高ぶってしまう要因を、それは千差万別なのだ
いったいどうしたらよいのだろうか? 正統的な手段としては、私は神に祈ることかと思う。しかし、祈ることとは、意識して祈るわけで、眠らないこと。今年の聖句としてあげているコロサイ人への手紙には「目を覚まして、感謝を込め、ひたすら祈りなさい。」と書かれている。なぜ祈ることが私たちの睡眠の手助けをするのだろうか?
暗い感情というものは、心の奥にある人々とは分ち合いたくない、あるいは、考えたくも無いことでも含まれているのだとおもう。それらは恐れや恥に起因している場合もある。これらの感情は人々を極端に内向的にさせ、人との対話が難しくなったり、自分に価値がないものだとしてしまったりする。また過去の失敗や事故などによって、とてつもない弱い立場においやってしまうことがある。 実にさまざまな問題から神経がやられてしまうことはある。不眠症になったから西洋医学によって治療しなければならないという気持ちになる人が多い。しかし、バーバラブラウンは、暗闇の感情に対して我慢ができていないのだと指摘する
残りの受難節、みなさんが良く眠れるようにとは祈る。しかし眠れない時があっても心配しないように。それを無視したりすることはかえってよくないのではないだろうか? 主に祈り、イエスに助けを求めよう。聖霊とともにおられるイエスが、常にいっしょにいてくださり、私たちを決して見捨てるようなことはなさらない。アーメン 安達均
Sleepless Nights John 3:14-21
Pr. Hitoshi Adachi
May Grace and Peace come to you in the name of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer and Lord!
Until I finished my first year of seminary education, I was still working for a medical device company. Their most popular product, in the US market, was the electroencephalograph.
It’s a device that detects patients’ brainwaves, saves them to the memory, and allows a doctor to analyze them. One of the major purposes of the product was to analyze patients’ sleep patterns and help diagnose sleep disorders.
The need to analyze human’s sleep patterns greatly increased in 90s, because research showed that more than 10 percent of the US population had sleep disorders. Since we were providing the sleep pattern analysis devices, I often attended conferences that sleep researchers and physicians attended.
One thing I learned, in the late 90s, was that almost 70 percent of physicians thought that insomnia cases should be treated as a respiratory issue. Some of you are wearing or have worn breathing masks at night.
However, 30 percent of insomnia cases cannot be cured by respiratory treatments. Physicians discussed the complicated mechanisms that make up a human’s neurological systems.
I tried to follow the discussion, despite having only a basic knowledge of physiology. A Japanese physician, I talked with at that time, said he does not believe that 30 percent of insomnia can be cured by medicine and he prefers not to treat them, because there are so many factors about why people get nervous and cannot sleep.
It is common that when we get to the point we cannot sleep at night, we count numbers or sheep, play very simple games like solitaire, or listen to calming music. A guaranteed sleep aid is listening to my sermons (available on LCR’s website).
How do you deal with sleepless nights? For me, an authentic and good way to deal with sleepless nights is praying. However, if we think about it, to pray one must be alert and awake. St. Paul wrote, “Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.” (Colossians 4:2) How can prayer help us sleep?
Barbara Brown Taylor wonders, “What if I could learn to trust my feelings instead of asking to be delivered from them. What if I could follow one of my great fears all the way to the edge of the abyss, take a breath, and keep going?
According to the “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV”, sometimes called “the psychiatrist’s Bible,” patients grieving the death of a loved one are allowed two months for symptoms such as sadness, insomnia, and loss of appetite. If their grief goes on longer than that, they may be diagnosed with depression and treated with prescription drugs.
Barbara Brown Taylor writes, “Western culture keeps dark emotions shuttered in the dark with other shameful things….” But is it good to just let them go away?
Miriam Greenspan is a psychotherapist and author of Healing Through the Dark Emotions. Her mother is a Holocaust survivor. According to Greeanspan, her mother ACTIVELY grieved for ten years after the war. Greenspan wondered, “Was ten years too long a grief for genocide?”
There are no dark emotions, Greenspan says, just unskillful ways of coping with emotions we cannot bear. The emotions themselves are conduits of pure energy that want something from us: to wake us up, to tell us something we need to know, to break the ice around our hearts, to move us to act.
What people call dark emotions include deep things that people do not want to share or do not want to think about. These feelings may be attributed to fear and shame.
These feelings may cause people to feel uncomfortable socializing with others, cause people to think that “I am not worthy,” or cause people to be vulnerable in spirit due to one’s failure or a particularly sad incident. There are many causes why people become nervous or worried. This anxiety can lead to sleeplessness.
There are many cases in which people believe “I am an insomniac and I need treatment using Western medicine.” Or people think it’s a good idea that to not deal with dark emotions and let them go away. Barbara Brown says people have low tolerance for “the dark emotions.”
Dr. Brené Brown, a professor and researcher on topics ranging from vulnerability, courage, worthiness, and shame. She points out “Vulnerability is the core of shame and fear and our struggle for worthiness but it is also the birthplace of joy and creativity, of belonging, and of love.”
Today, I told stories about one physician, one pastor, one psychotherapist, and one professor, but among those, I believe there is one figure whom we should include and not overlook – Jesus.
Especially during this Lenten season…, we often read the Gospel verse, John 3:16, “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” But I think the real issue is how God, Jesus, saved us and redeemed us. I think we need to think about that.
God’s son, Jesus, was betrayed by one of his disciples, left alone by other disciples, whipped and stripped naked by soldiers, abused by surrounding crowd, and in the end he was crucified and died.
But that was not the end of His story. He is always with us, guiding us and helping us through difficult times. There is a dawn within every darkness and that brings us hope. In our end, there is a new beginning.
During this Lenten season, I hope and pray that you can sleep well, but even if you cannot, do not worry about it too much. It’s not better to ignore your dark emotions and let them go. Instead, pray and let Jesus help you deal with those dark emotions. He always abides with us and won’t abandon us. Amen.