マルコ 16:1-8
みなさん、「私は復活の主、イエスキリストに出会った」という方はおられるだろうか? どのようにイエスに会われたのだろうか? 私が小学校低学年、洗礼を受けてまだ一年ほどしか経っていない時、長野の叔母の家に夏休み中、遊びに行った。
彼女は7歳の私に向かって「均ちゃんは救い主イエスに会ったことはあるの?」という質問をしてきた。 叔母は本当に熱心なカトリック教徒で、イエス様の働きをいろいろなところで見て、それを話すのが大好きな叔母だった。 そのような叔母を母にもつ彼女自身は、自分はまだイエス様にあえていない、だから会いたいという話をしていた。主イエスを求めていたのだと思う。
さて今日は待ちに待ったイースター。主の復活のお祝いだ。 しかし、与えられた福音書、マルコ16章1-8節では、だれも復活の主イエスに会うところまではいっていない。いったいどういうことと思われている方もいるかもしれない。
じゃあ、マルコは何で8節の言葉で福音書を終わらせてしまったのだろうか? 金曜日の夕方、イエスが十字架上で亡くなり、墓に葬られた。 遺体には油が塗られるはずが、その時間も無く、安息日と言われる金曜の日没になってしまった。
金曜日没から日曜の明け方まではなにもすることができず、日曜朝に、勇気ある女性たちはイエスに香油を塗りにでかけた。 その結末8節は、「婦人たちは墓を出て逃げ去った。震え上がり、正気を失っていた。そして、だれにも何も言わなかった。恐ろしかったからである。」
これじゃ、蒸し暑い夜に、あつくてしょうがないから、からだを冷やしてくれる怪談のような話に思われても仕方がないのではないか。 だれも復活の主イエスに会うことを書かないで、いったいマルコは何を考えていたのだろうか。
ブービー賞という言葉があるが、ブービーとはもともとまぬけとかいう意味で最後のこと。 しかし、ゴルフなどではブービー賞というと最後の人や最後から二番目に冗談で商品を上げたりするが、実は、競技というのは、最後の人がいるからその前の人がおり、ずっと遡ってきて、優勝する人も出るわけで、最後の方はとても大切。
ガリラヤとは、イエスの弟子たちの生活の場である。 その生活の場にイエスが現れる。 それは、弟子たちばかりでなく、すべての人々の生活の場にイエスが現れることを示唆しており、この福音書の読者たちにも、イエス自ら、現れてくださることを示唆していたのでないだろうか?
マルコはイエスと人類が出会うことを書くのは、もう自分の仕事ではない。 福音書には書かなくても、聖霊として顕われる神なるイエス自らが、わたしたち人間の生活の場に現れてくださることを、いいたかったのではないだろうか?
さあ、みなさんどうだろう? みなさんの生活の場に復活の主イエスは顕われてくださっているだろうか? 私は、みなさんが気付くかきずかないかにかかわらず、主イエスが私たちの生活の場に、大きな力を持って働いていてくださることを確信している。
数年前、まだ洗礼を受ける前の千鶴子ミラーさんが話してくださったことを、ご本人の許可をいただいた上で、みなさんとシェアしたい。 ミラーさんは、夜中に真っ暗な洗面所に立たれたとき、なにか光るものに気付いた。 そして、その時のことを、私は神様に会いましたと報告された。
それは、実は、金色のドアのノブが光っていたのだった。 しかし、なんだそれはただドアのノブが光っていただけだ、という話にはされなかった。 ノブが光るように見えるが、ノブだけに光を発行するメカニズムはない。 何かの光があって、それが反射して、ノブが光っていた。 つまり、光をこの世に送られた神の存在、光として顕われてくださったイエスの存在を見出された。
今日はまだイースターの初日。 イースターの季節は今日から7週間続く。この季節、人類が光なるイエスを殺してまでも、復活して人類を赦しつづけ、人類に命を与えてくださっている神なるイエスに、一人でも多くのみなさん気づかされるように祈る。イエスの遺体がお墓の中になかったということは、決して怪談の結末ではない。イエスがみなさんの元に顕われる復活と昇天への約束である。 アーメン。
“The End of A Ghost Story?”
Mark 16:1-8
May the Grace and Forgiveness of Jesus Christ be poured into the hearts of the people gathered in the sanctuary and May the Holy Spirit let people realize that the risen Lord is among us!
Have you ever seen the risen Jesus Christ? If so, how has Jesus appeared in your lives? When I was in second grade, for the whole summer, I went to Nagano prefecture (north of Tokyo). It’s about 4 hours by train and, at that time, it’s where my aunt lived with her family. During this time, in my life, it was 10 months after I was baptized.
This aunt was about 15 years older than my father. She had 6 grown children and her two older daughters were already married and had their own families. During my visit, her second daughter had some issues with her husband and she was almost always at my aunt’s house.
I remember she asked me a serious question even though I was only 7 years old, “Hitoshi-chan, have you ever seen Jesus in your life?” My aunt was a very faithful Catholic Christian, and she shared her story that she saw the work of Jesus in her life. The daughter, my cousin, often heard her mother’s story, but she said to me, “I wish I could see Jesus but, unlike my mother, I have never seen him in my life. I hope to see Him someday though.”
Today is Easter, the celebration of Jesus Christ, our risen Lord. He is risen indeed! However, in the Gospel text today, Mark 16:1-8, nothing is written about someone meeting the risen Lord, Jesus Christ. Some of you might think that is strange.
By the way, I recently read Mark 16 verse 8, which is at the end of original text of Mark. There are several paragraphs after that, but they were added at a later date by someone else.
Why did Mark end the Gospel that way? Friday afternoon, Jesus died on the cross and was buried. According to Jewish custom, they should have anointed him. However, the hour of sunset arrived, signaling the beginning of the Sabbath, so people could not do anything more until the Sabbath ended.
After the Sabbath was over, on Sunday morning, three brave women and a man came to the tomb to anoint Jesus. However, his body was not there. The end of the original Gospel of Mark is “So they went out and fled from the tomb, for terror and amazement had seized them; and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid.”
Well, this story seems like the end of a ghost story. Why did Mark end his Gospel without writing that someone met the risen Lord?
There is an older phrase: a Booby Prize. A booby prize is a joke prize usually given in recognition of a terrible performance or last-place finish. Contrary to popular belief, acknowledging the last place finisher is important. Without the last person in a competition, no one would be second to last place. Without the second to last, no one would be the third to last place finisher. As such, the winner could not be the winner without the last place finisher.
I believe Mark’s end verses are very important and meaningful. According to what I read a short time ago, there was a young man in the tomb. Although the young man’s presence also makes the Gospel like a ghost story, I believe the second verse from the end has special meaning. He said, Jesus would go to Galilee ahead of the disciples and people will see him there.
Why Galilee? Jesus’ disciples were living in Galilee. The young man indicated that In the midst of their lives, Jesus would appear. I believe Mark was highlighting that seeing Jesus is not only applicable to his disciples but it also applies to readers of the Gospel today.
For Mark, it was not his job to describe that Jesus would meet with his disciples and other people in the world. Even without writing about such things, Mark was quite certain that the Holy Spirit, God and Jesus Christ himself, would appear in our lives.
What do you think? Is Jesus appearing in your life? My conviction is: regardless of whether or not you realize our Lord is in your life, the risen Lord is among you and within you. Jesus Christ is working very hard in the midst of our lives.
Several years ago, before Chizuko Millar was baptized, she shared her story with me. Since Chizuko has given her permission to share her story, I’d like to end today’s message recounting her story. Chizuko was living alone in her house. At midnight, in darkness, she stood in front of a mirror in her bathroom. Despite being in darkness, she realized that there was something shining in the mirror. A few days later, she realized that she met God, Jesus Christ.
Her bathroom doorknob was the source of the shining. However, she didn’t end her story by saying her bathroom doorknob glowed. Why did her doorknob glow? Chizuko realized the doorknob symbolized that Jesus, the true light, came into the world.
Today is the first day of Easter season. We have 7 weeks of Easter season. During this Easter season, I hope and pray that more people realize that in spite of the fact that people killed Jesus, the Risen Lord, Jesus Christ did not abandon us and has not abandoned us. He continues giving us new life and works among us with His Grace and Forgiveness. Jesus’ absence in the tomb is not the end of a ghost story. It is God’s promise of Jesus’ resurrection and ascension. May you have a peaceful Easter season this year! Amen.
Pr. H. Adachi