「あなたは救われましたか?」 という質問をされる方々がいる。 私はルーテル教会では、そのような聞き方はまず聞いたことはない。 また、私が育った家庭は、正教会だが、やはりそのような質問は聞いたことがなかった。 結婚してからは、妻が洗礼を受けた日本キリスト教団の教会の群れに加わっていた時代があるが、そのなかでもそういう質問の仕方は知らなかった。
その後家族でカリフォルニアに来たわけだが、単立教会とか会員数は多いが少数の教会だけで成り立っていて、はじまってまだ数十年というような教会の方々で、英語では”Have you been saved?”とか日本語の「救われましたか」という言い方をする方々が多いことがわかった。また日本にある教会でもそういう質問をされる方々がいることもわかってきた。
その質問は、ただ「洗礼を受けましたか?」の代わりに使っているのだろうと思っていたが、どうも、ピンと来ないままである。 「私たちは救われたが、あなたは信仰告白をしていないから、あるいは洗礼を受けていないから救われていないのです。」という意味に聞こえてしょうがない。この質問は、残念ながら教会間でも分裂を招きそうな言葉であるとも思う。本当に、洗礼を受けてない方が聞きやすい言葉なのか?
本日は、復活節第二日曜日。カトリック教会とほとんどのプロテスタント教会では、イースターは先週の日曜、4月5日だった。 しかし、東方正教会は使っている暦が異なるため、今日が復活日となる。
この質問に答えようとするには、さらに聖書をしっかりと読む必要があるのだと思う。 弟子たちに裏切られたイエスだったが、復活したイエスは、まず、あなたがたに平和があるようにという言葉を2 回も語っている。
創世記3章では、 アダム、イブ、そして生まれてくる人間みなが、罪の世界に入ってしまう。そして、ユダヤ人も異邦人も共同して神の一人子を十字架にかけ殺す時代が来てしまった。 しかし、神はイエスを復活させ、復活したイエスが慈しみ深い愛をもって、全人類を赦し、そして、新しい復活の命をくださる。全人類は、罪と死の世界から、赦しと新しい命というまったく新しい時代に突入する。
説教の前半で述べたように、先週の日曜から西方教会やプロテスタント教会では復活節に入った。 わたしたちの兄弟姉妹である、東方正教会でも今日はイースターを祝い、全世界のキリスト教会は、全地域で復活節を祝うシーズンに入った。ここで正教会でよくみかけるイースターのイコンの話をしたい。 このイコンには復活の主が墓からよみがえったところが描かれている。 そして、手をさしのべて、イエスから引き上げられているのはアダムとイブ。
時代を超え、また人種や国境を越え、またキリスト教の宗派をも超えて、イースターの前は、罪と死の世界に立っていた私たち全人類が、主の復活の後は、赦しと命の中に立っている。 私たちは、まったく新しい世界にいる。イエスの復活ゆえに、人類は全く異なる時代に生きることができる。
キリストの復活は、ある特定の個人が新しく生きるようになるためでも、ある宗派のある単立の教会だけが救われるわけでもない。 主イエスの復活にあって、私たち全人類が復活し、共同の教会として、赦しと新しい命の中に生かされている。
教会の暦では、復活節は7週間あり、最初の1週間が過ぎた。 残りの6週間、ぜひ、主の復活にある共同の教会がどういうことなのか、おひとりおひとり観想されることを祈る。共同の教会ということを考える中で、ぜひ、神が復活ルーテル教会をよき方向へと導かれますように。 皆様が新しい命に生かされますように。
We Are Church Together
John 20:19-31
May the Grace and Peace of Jesus Christ be poured into the hearts of the people in this world!
Some Christians ask “Have you been saved?” I do not think I have ever heard Lutherans ask someone this question. I believe many of you now know that I was baptized in the Orthodox Christian Church but again, I do not think I have ever heard Orthodox Christians ask, “Have you been saved?”
After I married my wife, she was still attending one of the largest Protestant denomination churches, in Japan, called United Church of Christ. I attended that church too and, yet again, I never heard anyone ask, “Have you been saved?”
Then, about 10 years after Satoko and I were married, we came to the United States. I found that there are many non-denominational churches in Southern California (worshipping in English and Japanese). It seems like in many of them, people often ask “Have you been saved?”
I interpreted the meaning of the question as “Have you been baptized or confirmed your Christian faith?” But to me that question does not really make sense. I feel if you ask “Have you been saved?” the meaning behind it is “Although we are saved, if you have not confirmed your faith or are not baptized, you are not saved.” “Have you been saved?” is often used in a way that creates division among denominations. Is this really something Christians should say to non-Christians? Is this common sentiment even true?
Today is the second Sunday of Easter in many Protestant denominations as well as in the Catholic Church. However, our brothers and sisters in Orthodox churches are celebrating Easter today this year (just for your information).
Jesus was abandoned by his disciples Friday morning and sentenced to death and crucified and killed later that Friday afternoon. According to John 20, on the same day Jesus was resurrected, later in the afternoon on Sunday, Jesus came to see his disciples; the disciples saw the resurrected Jesus.
However, one of the twelve disciples, Thomas, was doing something else and was not with the other disciples when Jesus visited the other disciples. Later on, even though the other disciples said that they saw resurrected Jesus, Thomas insisted that he wouldn’t believe them unless he saw Jesus himself. In a sense, as a consequence of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, a division occurred among the disciples.
I know, according to Luke, there were two other disciples who were heading to Emmaus that day. We might say that was a sort of division, too. Were these seeming divisions among the disciples Jesus’ Intention?
As we think about that issue, I believe we need to read the text more carefully. The resurrected Jesus neither accused nor retaliated against his disciples because of their abandonment. Instead he said, “Peace be with you” twice to his disciples on the first Sunday since he was risen.
After he said this, he talked about sending the disciples throughout the world first, and secondly, he breathed on them saying “Welcome the Holy Spirit,” and thirdly, as he was showing that he forgave them, he guided them to forgive sins of others. The Risen Jesus, the son of God, breathed on the disciples. This action is strongly connected to Genesis in that God breathed on Adam and Eve giving them life.
As you know Adam, Eve and the whole of humanity are marked by sin. However, even though God’s son, Jesus, was crucified and died, God resurrected Jesus and revealed His gracious forgiveness and gave new life to all human beings. Because of Jesus Christ’s resurrection, humanity entered a completely new age.
As I mentioned, at the beginning of my sermon, our brothers and sisters of the Orthodox Church are also celebrating Easter, I would like to share with you a famous icon in the Orthodox Church. Of course, the central figure is Jesus Christ; however, who are the two individuals being pulled from their tombs (or caskets) by Jesus? The answer is: Adam and Eve. Even the first two human beings who sinned were resurrected.
Beyond ages, beyond races and nationalities, beyond Christian denominations and before the promise that Easter brings humanity is marked by sin and death. Easter, allows us to acknowledge and celebrate the Lord’s gracious forgiveness and our new life. The world is different and we, human beings, are different and better because of Jesus’ presence in our lives.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is not only for certain individuals or not only for certain churches. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is for all people. The resurrection is for the salvation of all time and all nations (i.e. the whole world). We, all Christians, are Church Together. We, all human beings, are all saved.
On the Church calendar, that most churches follow, Easter season is seven weeks or 49 days. During the rest of this Easter season, as you reflect upon Jesus’ resurrection, please think about what Church Together truly means. I hope and pray that you experience new perspectives about how God is leading Resurrection Lutheran Church to find ways that help unite our communities of faith, instead of focusing on things that divide us.
Amen. Pr. H. Adachi