April 26th, 2015

2015 年4月26日復活後第4主日説教「囲いの外のほかの羊」

牧師説教, by admin1.

ヨハネ 10:11-18

主イエスの恵みと平安が人々の心の中に浸みわたりますように! アーメン

一部の勢力という言い方をしているのは、かならずしも、キリスト教を信じない方々全員が、キリスト教と敵対する考えを持っているわけではないということを述べておきたい。 むしろ、日本などでは、従来の仏教のお墓があるからとか、迫害に会う可能性があるから等の事情でキリスト教を信仰するという事は隠して、キリスト教の考えを持って生きるという方々もいることにも言及しておきたい。

今日は復活後第四主日である。毎年、復活節の第四主日は、イエスが民を羊にたとえ、ご自分のことを良い羊飼いにたとえて、話をされたところを読んでいる。 一人の羊飼いが自分で責任を持つ羊の一群を導いて、草原を歩んでいくところを想像する中で、牧師が教会に集まる方々を導く光景を想像する方もいると思う。
与えられた福音書の16節には、「わたしには、この囲いに入っていないほかの羊もいる。その羊をも導かなければならない。」と言われている。 これはいったいどういう意味を持っているのだろうか?

イエスはそれをはっきり否定したのだと思う。ユダヤ人ばかりではなく、異邦人をイエスは導くということをここで宣言されていたともいえるのではないだろうか? 囲いの外の羊も、イエスの声を聞き分けるとなっており、異邦人もイエスに従って歩むということを、述べておられたように思う。 

冒頭にも述べたように、キリスト教についてよく学んだ上で、教会の三位一体や、イエスが神だということは受け入れられないという方もいるのが現実である。 しかし、どのタイミングで起こるのか、私たちの知りようがないが、その囲いの外にいる羊が、主イエスの声を聞き分け、理解できるようになるということが起こる。キリスト教には無縁と思っていた方が、あるいはキリスト教を完全に否定していた方が、聖書の話を聞き入り、伝道活動をするようになる。 
明治初期に日本人の最初の司祭となったといわれる、沢辺琢磨という方がいる。 彼はもともとは武士であり、当時函館にいたロシア正教会の宣教師ニコライを殺すつもりで、ニコライに会いに行ったという。 しかし、ニコライ宣教師から「キリスト教のことがわかっていないのに、なぜ、私を殺そうとするのですか?」と言われ、ニコライの話を聞き、すばらしい神の愛に気付き、キリスト教の洗礼を受けることになり、何年後かにはロシア正教会の司教がロシアから来て按手を受け司祭になってしまった。 

Other Sheep Not in the Fold
John 10:11-18

May the Grace and Peace of Jesus Christ be poured into peoples’ hearts! Amen.

May the Grace and Peace of Jesus Christ be poured into peoples’ hearts! Amen.
We’ve had experiences with people standing outside of our front door wanting to share their faith. Even though they say that they are Christians and that they read the Bible (very similar to our Bible but a special translation) they do not accept the Apostles’ Creed according to which many Christians confess their faith.
Regardless of whether they say they are Christians or not, there are people who deny the Trinity. Those religions have always existed even after Jesus was crucified and resurrected. Not only do they deny the Holy Trinity, some sects have actively persecuted Christians throughout history.
The reason why I said “some sects” is that not all people who deny the Holy Trinity act against Christians at all. For instance in Japan, there are people who say they are not Christian due to their ancestor’s grave in a Buddhist temple, but some of them study Christianity and believe in Christ although they could never accept Christ publically.
In the US, those that have lived in the later part of our nation’s 239 year history, find it difficult to imagine that Christians are persecuted. Regardless of whether or not we are persecuted, a very important issue is how we relate to people who do not know about Christianity or do not accept the Christian faith.

It is the fourth Sunday of Easter Season. Every fourth Sunday of Easter, the gospel about the Good Shepherd is read. When we imagine that the Good Shepherd leads the sheep into a certain fold, you might also imagine that pastors also lead the members inside the church.
However, did Jesus state that pastors or leaders of the Church should not care about sheep outside the fold? Did he state that pastors should not care about the people outside the Church?
In today’s Gospel, verse 16 says, “I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd.” What does this mean?

Considering the social context in Israel at that time, there was a clear distinction between Jews and Gentiles. Therefore, I believe his Jewish disciples were perplexed by what Jesus said.
The sheep in the fold were Jews and the disciples had been thinking that they would be saved by the Messiah, but they did not know if Gentiles would also be saved. The disciples might not have cared if Gentiles would be saved or not.
Jesus ignored his disciples’ possible indifference. Jesus proclaimed clearly that Jesus would lead the Gentiles as well. He proclaimed that even the people outside the fold would listen to Jesus’ voice and follow him.
2000 years after Jesus said this, almost over 2 billion Gentiles worldwide listen to Jesus’ voice through the Bible and worship Him as our Messiah. All of us in this sanctuary worshipping Jesus today are actually Gentiles. And again, when we hear the Scripture that says, “I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd.” and it is still very important, for us, even in the 21st century.

There are many people who won’t try to understand what Jesus taught or will try to get away from apostolic confession. Are we making a fold that prevents non-Christians from listening to what Jesus taught? There are those that definitely stay outside the fold, but that does not mean we should ignore them.
There are also a different group of people who learned about the Holy Trinity and completely deny it. Although, we do not know when it will happen, there will be a time when people outside the fold will know Jesus’ voice and follow him.
At the beginning of the Meiji era (a time of open Western influence in Japan), there was a samurai named Takuma Sawabe. He came to see the missionary, St. Nicolai, in Hakodate, with his sword unsheathed ready to kill him. However, St. Nicolai said to him, “Why do you try to kill me even without knowing what Jesus taught us?” Surprisingly, Takuma Sawabe started listening to St. Nicolai, then he was baptized, and several years later, became the first Christian priest in Japan.
We do not know when, it could be tomorrow, ten years or a thousand years from now, but there will be a time when even the people that persecute Christians will listen to Jesus and there will be one flock led by Jesus, the Good Shepherd. We should pray for and try to talk with the people who do not come to church or do not listen to what Jesus teaches, remembering Jesus’ inspiring words: “There will be one flock, one shepherd.” Amen.

Pr. H. Adachi

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