ヨハネ 15:9-17
命令とまで言われてしまうと、「愛する」ということは、命令されて、「愛する」ことなのだろうか? と疑問を持つこともいるかもしれない。あるいは、「互いに愛するように」ということは、相手も自分を愛するし、自分も相手を愛すること。となると、相手が愛してくれているかどうかわからない、いやむしろ私のことを嫌っているのに、「互いに」と言われても、困りますという方もいるのではないだろうか?
そこには、互いに愛しあうキリスト者の存在が、最初は12人しかいなかった弟子たちが、全人類に対して、「互いに愛し合う」存在になっていく働きかけがあるように思う。 それは、わたしたちの力ではない、わたしたちの想像もつかないような、聖霊の働きかけが、ただよっているように思う。
今日のポイントは、まず、神が、そして子なるイエスが、弟子失格とも思われてもしかたがないような弟子たちをも、愛してくださっていることをわかること。 そして、その愛が、現代のキリスト者にも、脈々とつながっていることを感じることが大切なのだと思う。
「まもるの掟」に出てきた、護が書いた「好きでも嫌いでも家族」という掟、たしかにそうなのだと思う。 それは、まもると双子の子供たちの家族という単位で、その掟はかかれたが、実はもっともっと大きな、神が創造された地球という単位で、そこに存在する自然、資源、食料を共有する地球単位の家族の意味にもとらえることができる。
今日は母の日で、最初スーッと通りすぎてしまったが、まるもの掟のドラマでは、双子を生んだが子育てができなくなってしまった母親がドラマには登場していた。 私は、母の日を迎えるたびに、どうしても、このドラマにちょっとだけ登場するような子どもを生んだが、子育てができない。 あるいは、子供が欲しくても、さまざまな事情で生むことができていない女性のことも覚える。
アーメン 安達均
“We Are Family Together Whether You Like It or Not”
John 15:9-17
May the Grace and Peace of Jesus Christ be poured into your hearts!
There is a Japanese TV drama called “Marumo No Okite” meaning “Marumo’s Law” which became very popular in 2011. Since this was broadcast in the US recently, you might have seen it.
Twin babies were born to a young couple. However, the mother became emotionally unstable and could not continue raising the babies and left the family. Her spouse became a single father and tried very hard to raise the children, but, he was diagnosed with terminal cancer and suddenly passed away.
Then his best friend and teammate from their college baseball team, “Mamoru” decided to be their adoptive father and gained custody of the twins. Of course this was not an easy thing to do. Mamoru taught them that they are family even though he was not their biological father. The children, Kaoru and Yuki, called Mamoru “Marumo” because they couldn’t pronounce his name. They started their sometimes rocky but ultimately loving, unique family life together.
The program was a weekly drama and every week, Mamoru wrote one law in his notebook named “Marumo No Okite.” One of the laws in an episode was “We Are Family Together Whether You Like It or Not.”
I will get back to Marumo’s Law at the end of this message; now let’s dive into today’s Gospel. Jesus said repeatedly, “Love one another. This is my law.” He even said “Love one another” is a commandment.
If people are told that to love one another is a commandment, there will be people who question “Can human beings love one another when we are ordered to do so?” Or some people may think that someone does not love them, and consequently “loving one another” may be very difficult for them to do…
When we think about usual human behavior, the commandment that Jesus gave might be difficult to accept right away. People will ask questions first. To search for answers to these questions, we look to John’s Gospel. In that Gospel, Jesus said twice “As I love you” before he gave this commandment.
The way Jesus loved his disciples was something unimaginable when the disciples were listening to Jesus’ discourse. The Gospel we are reading today was spoken during the night in which he was betrayed. In other words, this discourse was one day before he was crucified. On the Maundy Thursday, after he finished his speech, one disciple completely betrayed Jesus, and then the other disciples left Jesus, denied knowing him and ran away, realizing that he would be crucified. The disciples were fearful that they would be captured as well.
In reality, Jesus was crucified and died. However, the father, God who loves Jesus so earnestly resurrected Jesus. Not only was he resurrected, Jesus himself appeared in the midst of disciples and did not accuse them of betrayal but forgave them saying, “Peace be with you.”
The love shown to the disciples through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the love expressed through the cross, was unconditionally given to the disciples. Even though the disciples were imperfect and they had many shortcomings, Jesus still loved them. The Love of Jesus is unconditional and filled with mercy. The fact that this unconditional love was revealed to his disciples caused them to love one another spontaneously and naturally. “Love one another” is not really an order, but a code of conduct.
This approach encourages Christians to love one another, but in this world there are people who avoid Christians, are disinterested in attending church or, in the extreme, hate Christians. I would like to quote John Chapter 13, Jesus said “everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
That is the core code of conduct for his disciples, only 12 in the beginning, who love one another, are to approach all human beings in the world asking them to love one another. This is not really my approach but it’s a power that we cannot fully comprehend, i.e. the work of the Holy Spirit, and it encourages all human beings love one another whether people like it or not.
The law in the Marumo’s Law episode “We Are Family Together Whether You Like It or Not” is true. Family does not only refer to the family of Mamoru and the twins, but also includes God’s family who live together in this world. All people are sharing the same resources, natural sites, and food. For the good of the planet and future generations, people must learn to love one another, even though people might disagree on a personal level.
Today is called “Mother’s Day.” At the start of this message, I quickly mentioned the twins’ biological mother and her emotional difficulties. On this Mother’s Day, I would like to include all women who have experienced difficult situations and include them in our thoughts and prayers. There are women who bore children but could not raise them or those who wished to have children but could not conceive.
Whatever our situations are, in the midst of challenges and difficulties, Jesus Christ is here among us; Jesus loves us, forgives us, and encourages us to love one another. Despite our shortcomings Jesus still loves us. His love and mercy are enduring and, as such, we should try to live up to his code of conduct that asks us to love others, regardless of our personal feelings. Amen.
Pr. H. Adachi