May 21st, 2015


Uncategorized, 牧師説教, by admin1.



洗礼を受けて、クリスチャンになるということは、天国に行く列車の切符を手にすることなんです。 という方がいる。そのような比喩は、たしかにそういう面はあると思う。しかし、二点ほど付け加えないと思うことがある。 第一点は、洗濯してなくなったりしないように、切符は紙ではできていないこと。洗礼をうけ、聖なるものとされ、キリストの十字架のしるしを受けることそのものが、切符である。  
第二点目は、これから説教でお話することすべてが第二点目ということになってくる。 洗礼を受けた者は、ただ列車に乗って何もせずに天国に行くわけではない。じゃ、どんな列車なのだろうか? 
1970年代、私はまだ日本で中学生だったが、日本でも大ヒットしたディスコでよくかかった The O’ Jaysというソウル3人組が歌ったLove Train という曲があるが、最初の1分程度だけでもそれをちょっと見ていただけたらと思う。 踊りたくなってしまうかもしらないが、どうぞおけがのないように。

今ご覧いただいたビデオに出ていた、列車が走っているイメージと子供たちのイメージがオーバーラップしていたのが、とても面白いと思った。 そして、この説教がどういう方向に話が展開するのか、もうわかってしまった方もいるかもしれないが、この列車のことはまた説教の後半で話したい。そして、与えられた福音書の内容に入っていきたい。ヨハネ17章はイエスの長い祈りで、苦しみを受ける前日の晩、弟子の一人に裏切られ、他の弟子たちからも見放される前に、弟子たちのために祈った祈り。その祈りは確実に聞かれ、当時の弟子たちにとっては現実のものとなり、現在の弟子たちにも現実になりつづけている。
イエスの17章の祈りには、6点もしくはそれ以上の要点があると思う。 しかし、私は、11節から16節の中のポイント、3点だけにしぼって、お話ししたい。 その第一番目のポイントは、イエスが十字架刑に架かる前に、弟子たちが、守られるようにとにかく祈ったところ。そしてすべての弟子たちが神とともにひとつになるようにと祈られたこと。 


さて、キリスト教徒、イエスの弟子になるとはどういう意味か今一度振り返りたい。洗礼を受けて、聖なるものとなり、国籍は天にあるものとされる。それは、天国行きの切符が保証されるともいえる。かといって、なにもせずに天国に行けるということではない。 イエスが当時の弟子たちにまた将来の弟子たちに祈られたように、私たちは皆、世に遣わされ、人々に仕える僕とされていく。 
この列車の比喩は、受動的な列車ではなく、むしろ積極的な列車である。 キリスト教徒たちは、列車に乗っているというより、むしろ列車そのものがキリスト教徒たちというべきなのだと思う。
この列車の比喩は、マルティンルターの馬車の比喩を思い出される。ルターいわく、あなたがたは、キリスト者の生活は馬に引かれたワゴンにのって、その馬を操るようなものだと思っているかもしれない。 しかし、実際は、キリストが馬を操り、私たちは馬だと。神が方向性を定め、私たちが、愛をもって、自分を捨てて人に尽くすように仕向けている。

私はCCN、カウンセルのミーティングに出たり、また、最近ではストラテジックプランにMeaningful Program and Ministry の会議にも出たりしているが、教会のため、世のため人のために尽くしている方々を見るにつけ、どれほど私も喜びで満たされるか。また今、この毎週の礼拝そのものが、神の喜びと愛で満たされイエスが私たち一人一人に仕えてくださっているように、私たちが礼拝に出ていること事態が、人々に仕えあっていることを示している。 

May We Live for Others
John 17: 11-19

May the Holy Spirit, Joy, and Love come to the hearts of the people gathered in this sanctuary!

There are people who say, “To be a Christian is something like getting a train ticket to heaven.” It might be true, but I would like to add two more things to that metaphor.
Number 1: That ticket isn’t made of paper so you cannot lose it by putting it in the washing machine. The ticket is like an e-ticket, being baptized, sanctified, and marked with the cross of Jesus Christ is the ticket, so you do not need to show your driver’s license or passport to claim it.
The second point I would like to talk about is actually the content of the rest of my sermon. These people, baptized people marked with the cross of Jesus Christ, are not just boarding a train that goes to heaven. So what kind of train are we talking about?
In the early 1970s, during my middle school years, there was a great hit song called “Love Train,” sung by R&B group The O’ Jays. I would like to show a little bit of a YouTube video for that song. Some people might want to dance, please feel free to do so in your seat.

I think the images we saw are very interesting and some people may have noticed where I am going with my message. But, I will come back to the image about the train at the end of my sermon. Here, I would like to dive into the Gospel text. John Ch. 17 is a long prayer that Jesus prayed at Gethsemane in the night right before he was betrayed. That prayer was surely heard by the Father, God, and everything was realized as he prayed and his prayer continues to be realized to this day.
There were several points, I think more than five, in that prayer, but I would like to focus on only three points from Scripture. The first point was that before he was crucified Jesus prayed that his disciples would be protected and continue to have eternal life. Like he and the Father were one, he prayed that all of his disciples would become one.
The Gospel of John was probably written at the end the first century, ca. 90s. At that time, Christians were already suffering severe persecutions and John may have been the only disciple still living. Therefore, John wanted to make sure that Jesus prayed very hard that, even though his disciples were persecuted and killed, they had eternal life in oneness with God and that they were protected by the Father like Jesus was protected by the Father.

The second point of the prayers was that Jesus prayed that the disciples would be filled with His Joy. This kind of Joy would endure even when he knew that he would be crucified the next day. That Joy is very different from having a first class ticket to board a special bullet train.
Jesus himself is together with the Father and he is filled with Joy from the Father. Likewise, he prayed that his disciples would be filled with the same Joy Jesus was experiencing. And Jesus was not only praying for his current disciples, he was praying for all disciples in later ages, as well, including ourselves who share the same faith in Christ.
The last point of the prayer is: Jesus prayed for the disciples to be sanctified. As a matter of fact, the sanctified Jesus Christ who was together with the Father, God, would be killed on Friday, and on Sunday, he was risen and present among the disciples but then 40 days later, he ascended to heaven. The sanctified Jesus physically disappeared from the disciples after his ascension.
Even though he would ascend to heaven, he prayed to God that the disciples, His friends, would be sanctified and sent to the world to serve their neighbors and the Lord.

Let’s reflect on the meaning of being Christian. Being a baptized Christian , at that moment, our nationality surely changes to “heavenly.” In other words, you could say that our ticket to heaven is secured.
However, that does not mean that we just get to go to heaven without doing anything. As Jesus prayed for his current disciples and for future generations of Christians, we are all always sanctified and sent out into the world to selflessly serve our neighbors and communities.
This metaphor speaks to rather than just passively boarding a train, Christians are expected to be active in the world. Christians should live for others. They are filled with the Love and Joy of Jesus Christ and they become the train itself so that they may carry God’s enduring message to the world.
This metaphor reminded me about what Martin Luther said, “We might think being a Christian and living our lives is like driving a wagon, but no, we are the horses pulling the wagon, and the driver is Jesus.” God gives our lives direction. Christians should lovingly and selflessly serve the Lord and our neighbors.

There are examples of selfless service at Resurrection Lutheran Church. I have been attending LCR Council as one of the pastors and I have also been attending CCN board meetings. I have been attending Meaningful Program and Ministry meetings, for the last several weeks, as well. Every time I attend these meetings, I witness people gathered together filled with the Joy and Love of Christ and sent by the Holy Spirit to serve the Lord and to selflessly serve others.
Not only in those meetings but also here in this sanctuary; those who worship every Sunday are filled with God’s Joy and Love.
Our presence in this sanctuary signifies our willingness to serve the Lord and to serve one another as Jesus is serving each one of us.
This happens even in Huntington Beach, or half way around the world in Israel, and in other parts of the world too, because 2000 years ago at Gethsemane, in Jerusalem, Jesus prayed that all disciples be protected, filled with Joy and Love, be sanctified by the Father, and be sent out into the world to selflessly serve others in his Name. As such, the Holy Spirit enables us to live for others, and not just for ourselves. Amen.
Pr. H. Adachi

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