June 21st, 2015


Uncategorized, 牧師説教, by admin1.



さきほど読んだ福音書の内容に入っていくが、どのように聞かれただろうか? イエスさまはすばらしい、どんな怖いことがあっても、だいじょうぶ。イエス様が波を沈めてくださる。台風が来ようが、火山爆発があろうが、地震が来ようがだいじょうぶ、イエス様がなんとかしてくださる。ということなのだろうか。

今日読んでいるマルコ4章35節以前は、種蒔きをする人のたとえ、灯火や秤のたとえ、からし種とたとえといった、すべてたとえ話で来ていることに注意したい。 一連のイエスのたとえは終わり、イエスが「むこう岸に渡ろう。」と、イエスが語られる言葉ではじまっている。さて向こう岸とはどこだろうか? 
それは5章のはじめを読むとわかるのだが、向こう岸でも、さらに内陸に入っていったゲラサ人が住む地域をイエスは目指していた。それは、ユダヤ人ではなく、異邦人の地域。 弟子たちにとっては、文化も違うし、考え方も違っていて、いわば外国だった。
弟子たちにとっては、「なんで、そんなところに行くのですか、イエスよ?」 という気持ちがあってもおかしくない。 弟子たちは、キリストの世界宣教などまだわかっておらず、ユダヤ人のわたしたちだけで、楽しく過ごして、ユダヤ人たちだけが、病気が癒されたり、おなかがすいたときには、おなか一杯食べてれば良いのだ、なんて思っていたのではないだろうか。だからイエスから異邦人の地に行こうという指示に、弟子たちの心は穏やかではなかったのだと思う。 

このように読んでいくと、このガリラヤ湖が大荒れで、激しい突風がおこって、船が水浸しになってしまう光景は、いわば、弟子たちの心を表す、たとえのようにも思えてくる。 イエスは、「黙れ、静まれ」と風に向かって叱られる。その様子は、弟子たちが、「私たちのよく知らない異邦人の町なんかにいくのはやめましょうよ」と言いたくなるような、おだやかでない弟子たちの心境に対して、自分よがりの文化に、叱っているのではないだろうか。
そして、今日の福音書箇所の最後のイエスの言葉は、「なぜ怖がるのか。まだ信じないのか。」と言われている。 これから文化や方言も異なり、また悪霊にとりつかれてしまっている人々に解放をもたらする異邦人伝道に対し、イエスは弟子たちに私を信じて、勇気を持ってついてきて、いっしょに宣教の業に励むように導いているのではないだろうか。


“Why Are You Afraid? Do You Still Have No Faith?”
Mark 4: 35-41

May the Grace and Peace of Jesus Christ be poured into the hearts of the people in this sanctuary!

There are times, when we know this is God’s will and we act without hesitation. However, there are times when people around us may not agree it’s the correct action and we are unable to act decisively.
For example, if I invite this person, I might be taken advantage of. Regardless, all are welcome to church, this is our calling. And consequently, all people are invited to welcome others to church, too.

Let’s talk about the Gospel text. What did you learn about Jesus? Jesus is powerful; he calms you when you’re fearful. He even calms stormy weather.
I believe we should focus on Mark’s intentions and the disciples’ feelings about what occurred. It is almost always helpful to read what was written before Scripture and after Scripture to better give context.
Before the scripture, Chapter 4 is all about parables. Parables of the scattering seed, parable of the lamp, and mustard seed. At the end of Chapter 4, in today’s Gospel, Jesus began with the words, “Let’s cross to the other side of the lake.” What is on the other side of the lake?
If you read Chapter 5, you will know what’s there. Jesus was heading not only to the seashore, or I should I say lakeshore, but he was headed much farther inland to a place called “Gerase.” The people that lived there were called Gerasenes. Obviously, they were not Jews. So for his Jewish disciples, the other people were Gentiles and their cultures and languages were different from theirs.

His disciples might have said, “Oh Lord, why are we going to such a place?” Most likely, they did not yet understand what Jesus was envisioning for worldwide evangelism. For disciples, they were maybe thinking about having fun and eating together only among Jews in other Jewish communities. They also, most likely, believed only Jews would be healed from diseases and freed from bondage.
Reading the scripture this way, we might say that the strong storm, the strong waves, and the swamped boat are metaphors of the disciples’ hearts. The storm, waves, and the boat, in the scene described in Scripture itself may be the parable of the disciples’ feelings about how they did not want to go further into Gentile land across the Galere.
They wanted to say, “Let’s not go across to the other side.” Jesus said to the wind “Peace! Be Still!” and it was also said to the disciples’ hearts who were uncomfortable and uneasy about going across the lake.

In today’s text Jesus’ last words are, “Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?” To his disciples these words meant, “Fear not, let’s proclaim the good news of Jesus to the Gentiles, heal the sick, cast out demons, and free the Gentiles from bondage.” “Why don’t you have enough faith in me to spread God’s word to people in surrounding communities and beyond?”
For us living in the 21st century, the scene described in the Gospel may be a parable of our situation. When we think about the mission of Jesus in this world now, we sometimes wonder if we should proclaim the peace of Christ. Even though we think that Jesus is wonderful, Christianity is still a religion that the world dislikes or misunderstands in general. In Japanese community, especially, we hear “Religion causes you to lose your friends.” Because of misconceptions like these, we sometimes fear talking to others about Christ.
Don’t you feel that Jesus is telling this world “Peace! Be Still!” Jesus is asking us now “Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?”
Confucius said, “A person of virtue is not isolated. He must have some companions.” This was told almost 5 centuries before Christ, but for me as someone who is alive after Christ’s ascension, I say, “A person who shows Jesus’ love is not isolated, instead he always has a companion, humanity’s friend, Jesus our Savior and Lord.”
Today, we are hearing Jesus “Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?” in a new way. When we act in the will of Jesus, our companion, our friend, Jesus Christ is always with us.” During this new week, let’s act as Jesus wants us to act. We live to serve God; He is with us! Fear not, if the world disagrees.
Pr. Hitoshi Adachi

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