July 20th, 2015


牧師説教, by admin1.

マルコ 6:30-34, 53-56

バケーションとは、vacate 、「空ける」という意味の動詞が、名詞になったもの。 つまり、家の用事をすっかりやめて、自分たちは家から出て空にして、離れたところに行って、休息するということだと思う。 みなさん、バケーションをしっかりとっておられるだろうか? 
家を空けてどこかに行くというと、交通費やホテルなどお金もかかるし、そんなことは私や、私の家族はできない、と思う方もいると思う。 ただ家を空けるなら、テントを持って出て、近くでキャンプという手もあるかもしれない。 私の父はそれが好きだったが、母には不評で、結局料理を作ったりしなければならず、母への負担は大きく休息にならないということだった。
昨年の修養会の講師として来ていただいたキム牧師が日刊サンに載せておられる三味一体の記事の一部を紹介したい。キム牧師夫妻は、思いっきって、4歳のお嬢さんと1歳の双子のボーイズをつれ、家族5人で、家を空け、数週間の日本行きバケーションを5月に強行された。 それは、子供たちを幼稚園や保育園にあずけて、仕事をしている親にとって、その預ける時間無しに、子供たちの世話をし続けるわけで、かえってたいへんな日々だったようだ。

イエスは、弟子たちにもうしばらくいろいろな家の人たちのところに入って行くのはやめて、バケーションをとりなさいということを勧めている。 そして、弟子たちは、船に乗ってガリラヤ湖の別の湖岸の本当に人里離れたところにいく。 ところが、群集が押し寄せてきてしまう。 大勢の人々が、先回りしていた。 そして休息どころではなくなってしまう。 

その後は、また、伝道と病を癒すための活動がひっきりなしに続く様子が、さきほど読んだ聖書の後半の内容だ。このように見てくると、いったい弟子たちの休息はどこにいってしまったのかと思う。イエスが人里離れたところに行って、しばらく休め、と言われ、たしかに、弟子たちは人里離れたところまでは移動した。 しかし、しばらく休めという、そのしばらくという意味はどういうことだったのだろうか? 
イエスは、たとえそういうことになるとわかっていても、弟子たちをねぎらうことの大切さをわかっていたように思う。 あわせて、精神的にも肉体的にも疲労困憊にある、さらに集まった群集への配慮も続けなければならないことは、重々、承知で、イエスと弟子たちで行なう奇跡はさらに続いたのだろう。 

さて、今日の福音書から、父なる神と主イエスキリストから、現代に生きる私たちに語られていることはなんなのだろうか? 日本人が大好きな聖句ナンバーワンとも言われている、マタイ11章28節には「疲れた者、重荷を負う者は、だれでもわたしのもとに来なさい。休ませてあげよう。」という言葉があるが、それと似たことをイエス様は今日の聖書箇所でも言ってくださっているのだと思う。
今に生きる現代人、なんの仕事をしていようが、仕事をしていなくても、現代に生きる人で疲れていない人はいないのだと思う。 しかし、どんな忙しさ、疲れがあろうが、一時、仕事を休めて、泊りがけではなくても、家を空にして、教会にやってくることにどれだけ安らぎをえられるか、気付いているか気付いていないかに関係なく、主のなぐさめ癒しが与えられている。 

私は、神学校時代に、キャンパスミニストリーをしつつ、日曜には教会の礼拝で説教もしていた多忙な牧師から、はっと、学ばされたことがある。 彼女は、平日多忙な上に、日曜の説教準備、そして実際に説教で御言葉を語り、礼拝のためのその他の準備も、たくさんのことしていた。しかし、礼拝中も多忙そうに思える彼女でも、礼拝中はくつろげるということを言っていた。 それは、主なるイエスが慰めてくださるから。礼拝中は、日頃のわずらいごと、悩みなどから、自分の心を解放し、心を空にして、ただ、神の聖霊が入ってくるのを待つ。そして、礼拝中に心が聖霊でみたされることがおこる。そこに、最高の休み、Vacationがおこるのだと思う。 
そして、今、その主が与えてくださるVacationの最中に、たとえ自分ではそんなに神に認めてもらえるような人間だとは思わず罪の告白をする自分たちに、主イエスから先週はよく仕えてくれた。そして、よく日曜にもどってきてくれた。いま、私はあなたをなぐさめる。 そして、しばらく休みなさい。と言ってくださっているイエスの声が聞こえていないだろうか。  アーメン 

“Come Away and Rest a While”
Mark 6:30-34, 53-56

May the Grace and Peace of Jesus Christ be poured into the hearts of the people in this sanctuary!

I heard that the root word of the word, “VACATION.” is the verb, “VACATE” meaning to leave a place or position. In other words, stop your daily routine, including your job and vacate your home, and stay somewhere else, hence the vacation. Are you really taking a vacation while on vacation, though?
Some people say that they cannot afford a vacation because if they leave their home and go somewhere, transportation and hotel stays are too costly. Some other people may say just do something less costly like going to a campsite, near your home, with a tent and supplies and go camping. Some really thrifty people say, if no campsites are nearby, you can camp in your backyard. When I was growing up, my father actually liked going camping. However, my mother did not enjoy it since, in addition to taking care of the household, she had to prepare all the meals and organize everything for the trip. For her, it was several days of more work and little or no rest.
Pastor Kim (speaker at last year’s retreat) and his wife decided to take a few weeks of vacation in May. They truly vacated their home and went to Japan with their four year old daughter and one year old twin boys. For Pastor Kim and his wife, it meant that they had to take care of their children 24/7 rather than taking care of them before and after their preschool programs. Therefore, it was more work for the parents and they did not rest at all. Pastor Kim reflected that the true rest was probably given to the preschool teachers since tuition was still paid, but they did not have to take care of their daughter and twin boys who are sometimes a challenging trio. (lol)

In today’s gospel, Jesus said to his disciples, who returned from Jesus’ mission casting out demons and healing the sick, “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.”
Jesus recommended stop visiting people in need and take a vacation for a while. And actually, they went away to a deserted place by boat, going to a different part of the lakeshore. However, many people followed them by walking to the lakeshore and some people were already waiting when the disciples’ boat arrived. The great crowd, like sheep without a shepherd, waited at the lakeshore. Where did the disciples’ vacation go?
Since in today’s gospel, verses 35 through 52 were skipped, let me summarize what was written in those verses. In verses 35 through 44, describes Jesus’ and his disciples’ miraculous work feeding 5000 plus people with only 5 loaves of bread and two fish.
Then, in verses 45 through 52, the miracle of Jesus walking on water is described. Then in the latter half of today’s gospel, their back to back mission to heal the sick continued.

Where did the disciples’ vacation go? Jesus ordered the disciples to come away to a deserted place and they did. Jesus also said “rest a while.” What did it mean? Did Jesus not know that many more people would follow them since the disciples could heal the sick, in many homes, in that area?
I would say Jesus knew that the crowd would follow and they needed to be taken care of, but he still needed to appreciate the disciples even for a short period of time. They needed to be comforted also, since Jesus not only felt compassion for the huge crowd of 5000 plus but for his twelve disciples, as well. Without Jesus’ compassion towards the crowd and his disciples that kept their faith in Christ, I do not think Jesus miraculous work could continue.

So from the Gospel text today, what does the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit say to us who live in the 21st century? What are you hearing from Jesus? Do you not hear the words, “Come away to a deserted place and rest a while” or something similar to “Come to me, all you that are weary and that are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” as described in Matthew 11:28.

When I was in seminary, I learned from a pastor of a university campus ministry. She was very busy during the week and led worship service on Sundays at a church near the campus. She said even though she prepares the sermon for the worship, delivers the message, and presides over communion on Sundays, she felt rested during the worship, because God comforts her during the service. During the worship services, whatever our roles are for the service, we may vacate our hearts from worries, pains, and anxieties of our daily lives and simply allow our hearts to be filled by the Holy Spirit, I believe, that is a truly great vacation.
Do you not feel and hear the word of God, now, who says to you, “You lived and worked very well last week. Welcome back to me. I’ll give you rest and comfort you.” Jesus says to each one of us here, “Just rest a while now.” Amen.

Pr. H. Adachi

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