みなさん日本茶をすごく苦いと思うことあるだろうか? ほとんどの方が日本茶を飲むことが習慣のようになっていて、そんなことを言われても、とても苦いという感覚はないのかもしれない。
もう45年近く前の話になるが、私の兄は日本のカトリックの高校に通っていたが、その3年生の時、一年間、ペンシルベニア州の家庭にホームステイで留学していた。日本からのおみやげとして、日本茶を持っていった。 ホームステイ先について、兄から手紙が来た。
その手紙には、着いて早々に、日本茶を入れて、飲ませたとのこと。 ところが、ホストファミリーの父親は、飲むなり「苦い」といって、あとは全然飲めなかったそうだ。また高校生の息子もいたが、彼の反応も最初は同じだったが、砂糖を入れて、残りを飲んだそうだ。
与えられた福音書の直前には、イエスが3度目の受難予告をしている。 1回目、2回目のパターンと同じで、イエスが3回目の受難予告をしても、弟子たちにはピント来ない。今回は、ヤコブとヨハネが、イエスに願いごとをしている場面が与えられた福音書は描かれている。
願いごとというのは、「イエスが栄光を受けるときに、私たちをイエスの横に座らせてください。」というもの。 ヤコブとヨハネは、イエスが苦しみを受けるだとか、十字架に死にて葬られるなんてことは全然わかっていなかった。
そして、イエスが、私が飲む杯をいっしょに飲めか? その杯とは、弟子たちは栄光の杯のことをいっていると思って、つまり、ローマ軍に対する勝利の象徴の祝杯というか、ローマの圧力から解放される、祝いと喜びの杯のイメージを持っていたのかと思う。
しかし、イエスの話したことで、見逃してはならないことは、どんな苦しみを受けようが、さらに死んで墓に葬られようが、三日後に復活が控えている、永遠の命が、神によって与えられることを強調しておきたい。 イエスは、その苦しみの中を通っていくなかで、復活の新しい命が与えられることを伝えたかったのだと思う。
さて、このマルコ10章に書かれた話、キリストの弟子たちのとの対話から、現代の私たちは、何を学んでいるのだろか? 30年近く前だが、大学時代の友人と会っている時、クリスチャンである私に、次のような話になったことがある。彼は私と同じ工学部で学んだが、商社に就職し、最初から給料も高く、私が月100時間も残業して、心臓カテーテル検査装置といって心臓の専門医が患者の心臓のどこに問題があるかを診断するための医療機器を開発していたが、それでも、彼からしてみれば、私の給料は、わずかで、彼から見れば、私の生活は本当に苦しく見えたのだろう。
私は、それを聞いて、彼はよいことに気がついているなと思った。 というのは、イエスがいう、「私に従いなさい」というのは、イエスがそうであったように、徹底的に仕えること、僕となること、自分を無にすることでさえある。 苦労をするし、苦しみを味わう。 あるいは、キリストが十字架に架けられて殺されたように、信仰を持つがゆえに、殺されてしまうことだってある。
キリストに徹底的に従うことは、苦杯はなめるし、死ぬことだってあるが、イエスにある永遠の命に授かることでもある。 決して苦杯が苦いままではないし、死は死では終わらない。
すなわち、どんなに苦しい仕事の毎日を送っていようが、自分がどんな状況があろうが、イエスの死と復活によって、すなわち、主イエスにある信仰による、神の愛によって、苦しみの日々は喜びの日々に変わっていく。 主イエスにある、喜びを覚えて、新しい一週間を歩みたい。 アーメン
The True Joy in the Bitter Cup
Mark 10:35-45
May the Grace and Peace of our Lord be with you All!
Have you ever thought that Japanese tea is very bitter? Most Japanese people are accustomed to drinking Japanese tea, so they probably do not think it is very bitter.
My oldest brother studied in the US, for one year, when he was a senior in high school. He home stayed with a family in Pennsylvania. He brought with him Japanese tea and served it to the family. He wrote a letter to us about his experience serving the tea.
His host family father could not drink Japanese tea at all. Also there was a family member the same age and grade level as my brother, but he put sugar into the hot tea.
For them it was a mystery why Japanese people could drink such a bitter tasting beverage. However for Japanese it’s no mystery at all. Green tea is not bitter, but tastes good.
The Gospel given today, just three sentences before the gospel, Jesus was pointing out that he would be killed. In spite of his words repeated for the third time, the disciples did not understand what Jesus meant. This was the same pattern as with the first and second mentions of his suffering and death.
However, this time, John and Jacob asked Jesus, “Grant us to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your glory.” They did not know at all what Jesus meant, that they too would also suffer and may be crucified.
Then Jesus asked if they could drink from the cup. For Jacob and John, that cup symbolized overcoming the Romans. Therefore, Jews would be released from their oppression. The cup also symbolized joy with victory.
However, what Jesus wanted to say was that the cup could be bitter cup (although this is Japanese expression), symbolizing suffering. Since they did not truly know what Jesus meant, they responded that they could drink from the cup.
Here, I would like to emphasize that Jesus was saying that he would be killed, but on the third day, he would be resurrected. Even he severely suffered, the suffering would not end with only his suffering. Even death, did not end with just his death, it preceded the resurrection on the third day. So his suffering was connected to His resurrection. Like Jesus would be given resurrected life, we are also given resurrected life.
What are we learning from Mark chapter 10? When I graduated from university with an electrical engineering degree, I met a classmate two or three years after our graduation. Although he studied engineering also, he did not go to engineering firm but joined a trading firm which was paying much higher salary compared to any engineering companies. Even though I worked so hard, working over 100 hours or more per month, at that time I was designing medical device that would help cardiologist diagnose heart disease. My classmate knew that his salary was much higher than what I was earning. I sensed that he was feeling that he won the game, and to him I was suffering.
I think he probably had another Christian friend and was saying that it looked like Christians were suffering in their lives.
When I listened to what he said, I thought he was right. For Jesus said “follow me” which is equivalent to serve, to suffer, and to empty oneself, like Jesus did. And like Jesus was crucified, some Christians have been killed because of their Christian faith.
According to Japanese Christian researcher and author, Yoshimasa Moribe, in Japanese history, for about 250 years, Japan banned Christianity and if Christians were found, they were sentenced to death. As a result, the number of martyrs in Japan is probably the highest in the world.
I believe that trusting the Lord and following Jesus means tasting bitter cup, and suffering…but not only to experience suffering, but you might be killed too. However suffering does not end with suffering. Death does not end with just death.
Every week, we commune, and we remember the suffering of Jesus Christ, and we taste the cup in which the blood of Jesus in present. That is why we truly experience and taste the bitter cup.
According to a professor at Luther Gakuin, Toshufumi Uemura, once told students at Luther Seminary, the tea ceremony in Japan was equivalent to the Holy Communion, but the reason why Japanese tea was used was probably not only because there was no wine in Japan, but for people to remember the bitterness, in other words, recall the suffering of Jesus.
We remember the suffering and the death of Jesus Christ, but we also remember the resurrection of Jesus and His forgiveness and grace to all people. Therefore, the bitterness does end with just bitterness, but it becomes a bittersweet joy.
Even though we might feel that we suffer every day, because of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and because of His love for those who trust and depend on Him, we may be transformed from a state of suffering to a state of Joy. I pray that each one of us joyfully follow Christ this week! Amen.
Pr. Hitoshi Adachi