November 2nd, 2015


牧師説教, by admin1.

日本福音ルーテル大江教会 立野泰博牧師

「なぜ めぐり逢うのかを 私たちは なにも知らない いつ めぐり逢うのかを 私たちは いつも知らない」と。いまここに集まっておられる方も同じです。私たちの知らないところで、神様は出会わせてくださり、日本からもやってきて礼拝に参加し、27周年をお祝いしています。これは神様がくださった奇跡です。
さらに歌はつづきます。「どこにいたの 生きてきたの 遠い空の下 ふたつの物語 縦の糸はあなた 横の糸は私 織りなす布は いつか誰かを 暖めうるかもしれない」と。この辺でいつも涙腺がゆるみます。私とあなたがそれぞれ1本の糸で、それがおおく交わっていくと一つの布になる。しかしよく見ると重なったところはすべて十字架なのです。私たちがイエス様によって一つにまじわるとき、痛み苦しむ人たちの心を暖めうる一枚の布になる。27年の間にその布は広がって、より多くの人を暖めているのです。
さらに歌はつづきます。「縦の糸はあなた 横の糸は私 織りなす布は いつか誰かの 傷をかばうかもしれない」そして「 縦の糸はあなた 横の糸は私 逢うべき糸に 出逢えることを 人は 仕合わせと呼びます」。神様によって出会うべくしてここで出会い、キリストの十字架によって一つとされた私たちの教会。その教会がいま新しい方向転換へと招かれています。




“Our New Turning Point”
(Mark 12:28-34)
Message by Pastor Yasuhiro Tateno
November 1, 2015
27th Anniversary of LCR Japanese Ministry

There is a famous singer, songwriter named “Miyuki Nakajima”. Recently I found myself in tears when I was listening to one of her songs called “Thread”. Maybe I became more sensitive to certain lyrics as I’ve gotten older.

Her song begins like this: “We don’t know the reason why we meet each other, we never know when we encounter”. I think we can say the same thing to all of us who are gathered here today. God plans each encounter beyond our knowledge. It is God’s miracle that we are here from Japan and celebrating the Japanese Ministry’s 27th anniversary together with all of you.

Her song continues: “Where have you been? Two life stories, living under the far away sky. You are the Vertical Thread, I am the Horizontal Thread. We can create the cloth by weaving your thread and my thread together. And that cloth might warm someone someday”. When I hear this part, of the song, my eyes get teary.
You and I, different threads, but when we continue to gather the threads and weave them together, it will become cloth. And when we look it very closely, every overlap of threads is the shape of cross. When we meet and are woven together by the help of Jesus, we’ll become the cloth that will heal the pain and suffering of people. It’s been 27 years and that the cloth you’ve been weaving here has become larger and larger and I believe it will continue to warm many people.

Her song continues: “Vertical thread is you, Horizontal thread is me, together we are weaving the cloth that might cover someone’s wound”. Then it goes, “Vertical thread is you, Horizontal thread is me, and we call it happiness when we’ve found the thread that’s meant to be”. By God’s plan, we are here just as it’s meant to be; as our churches became one church under the cross of Christ as we were meant to be. Now, our church is called to accept this new turning point.

Let’s look at today’s Gospel. One of the teachers of religion asked Jesus a question. According to the Gospel of Matthew and Luke, this scholar “tested” Jesus by questioning him. However, the Gospel of Mark says this scholar “asked” Jesus. Maybe they wanted to clarify the difference between Jewish teaching and Jesus’ teaching. So, this scholar humbly questioned Jesus. There are 613 rules in Jewish teaching. Since there are so many rules, it is very natural that they want to know which rule is the most important rule of all. They wanted to rank the rules. Although it doesn’t matter how you rank them, you still have to obey every rule. But, this scholar wanted to ask Jesus, “Jesus which rule do you pick as the number one rule?”

There are two answers that Jesus told him; “Love God” and “Love Others”. We can’t separate these two rules. You can’t rank them. Other rules are all aggregated to these two rules. Actually, these two rules are the Vertical thread and Horizontal thread. Did he see the cross of Jesus there in the answer? He was very impressed by the answer Jesus gave him, though. Maybe because he had the same answer. This scholar was a very diligent man. He studied very hard. When you looked at his answers, you know he found his answers in various parts of the Old Testament.
So, Jesus praised the scholar as well. And he said to him, “You are not far from the Kingdom of God.”

Perhaps Jesus told him so he should practice in life what he has learned so far. But, is that only what Jesus meant by telling him that? I think Jesus was telling this scholar that he is almost perfect since he’s been studying so diligently. If he gets one more thing, he’ll be 100 percent perfect. What is that “one more thing”? It is for the scholar to believe Jesus the Savior is standing in front of him. That’s the one thing that will make his faith perfect. That was the new turning point for him. Changing his direction and accepting Jesus, that’s all he had to do. But he couldn’t, that’s why Jesus said “you are not far from the Kingdom of God”, you’re not there yet, but you’re almost there.

Our church, Ooe Lutheran Church has changed our direction this year. We accepted the idea to change our fellowship hall to café and we made it happen. This is the first step of preparation to make our church a local church to better serve and outreach to Lutheran High School that is located right next to our church. Our church has opened our fellowship hall to local people for many years. They used to use our fellowship hall for their local meetings and community events. But this has changed; we now have a city hall for local citizen. Over time, our fellowship hall became an empty space where no one visits.

So, Ooe church decided to change along with the era. We planned this change so we can make our church a welcoming place open to the public and a place where people gathered again. That’s why we changed our fellowship hall to café. We recognized our turning point and chose to change our direction, so we could grow and better serve our community in the future.

Nowadays, young people use our café to study or work. Starbucks are always full of people. So, we paid attention to that and changed our fellowship hall into café so we could open our door even wider to the public. They can come in and drink coffee freely. They feel safe and be in comfortable surroundings. And by putting a cross in cafe, we can share Christianity without being heavy-handed. We also have a bookshelf that has many religions books for them to read if they want to do so. We needed to take down the wall between church and community by having a café in church.

So, Ooe church became the Vertical thread and the local community became the Horizontal thread. When they’re woven together, they’ll become the place where people can find comfort and heal their wounds. Recently, we had visitors, a junior high school student and her mother. They heard about Ooe café and came to find a place to study. She has a brain tumor and never knows when she might faint. She thought it would be safe at café since it’s part of a church and God is always protecting her there. This is exactly what we are aiming for, becoming the cloth of Jesus that accepts all people.

We think and use our minds to understand concepts. But, we often just use our minds and overlook matters of faith. From today’s Gospel, we understand the two most important rules for the Christians are “Love God” and “Love Others” and we understand these rules. However, we stop listening once we’re told to live these rules. Therefore, Jesus told us, “You are not far from Kingdom of God”.

During the past 27 years, we know there are many threads woven into our ministry. There are also many threads woven by those who have gone to heaven from this church. LCR Japanese Ministry continues to be the cloth that comforts people, heals people and brings people to meet Jesus Christ and ultimately leads them to the eternal happiness.

Let’s spread our cloth of Jesus even wider to our 28th anniversary. Amen.

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