May 18th, 2016


牧師説教, by admin1.

5月から復活ルーテルの新しい体制に入った。日本語での礼拝は、いままで月4-5回あったのが月二回となり、英語の礼拝に参加することを呼びかけているのは大きな変化。 もう一つの変化がある。 
Carl牧師より日本語会員に英語で月二回のバイブルスタディが行なわれていたが、今後は日本語で、み言葉について、神さまの思いについて、学ぶ、思いを巡らす機会になる。 今日のメッセージでは、最初の5月6月の学びの中心となる課題やその意味の概要を含めてお話できればと思う。 
この復活ルーテル教会は、全米に一万近く、380万人くらいの教会員からなるアメリカ福音ルーテル教会の一教会。 そのアメリカ福音ルーテル教会のスローガンは、”God’s Work. Our Hands.” という言葉。 「神様のお仕事を、私たちの手が。」とでも訳したら良いだろうか。 
しかし、神様に代わって私たちが神の仕事をするなんて、おこがましいし、そんなことはできない、と否定される方もいるかもしれない。 でも本当にできないのだろうか? 
本日与えられている聖書の箇所にふれていきたい。 第二日課として読んだ、使徒言行録2章では、復活後50日目にパワフルな聖霊が下った事実が記されていた。 ガリラヤ出身の使徒たちに、ユダヤに集まっていた、さまざまな地方から来ていた人々のために、異なる言語で話す力が与えられた。 
しかし、この聖霊がくだることは、ヨハネ福音書に書かれていたように、イエスは預言していた。 父なる神にお願いし、真理の霊を送り、あなたがたとともにいる。 イエスは、父の内におり、また父がイエスの内にいることを繰り返し述べ、イエスを信じる者は、イエスが行なった業よりも、もっと大きな業をされることを述べておられた。

隼人くんはこの礼拝に来て、まだ日本語もよくわかっていないが、私は聖霊のただよう空間に置かれ、神の言葉や、賛美歌を聞く中で、隼人くんと私は、交わっていることを感じる。さらに、聖霊の力は、隼人くんを、父なる神とその子救い主イエスとの交わりにも近づけていく。 つまり、聖霊は、人と人を結びつけ、また人と神をも結びつける働きをする。

God’s Word. Our Hands. の話をさきほどしたが、聖霊の力によって、私たちの手が神の業を成すということ、おわかりいただけるだろうか。また、必ずしも、手だけではないのだと思う。私たちの、見る目も、話を聴く耳も、言葉をしゃべる口もすべて、イエスのみ業のために、さらに言うならば、イエスのなされた業より、さらに大きな御業のための道具になる。
それは、数十年前までは、牧師の仕事だとまかされていたような面があるが、実は、この世の中に、牧師や臨床宗教師のケアを長期的に必要としている方々はとてつもなく多い。 そのような境遇に招かれて、派遣され、神の御業のために遣えるのがステファンミニスターといわれる、信徒の方たちだ。
ステファンミニスターになるためには、合計50時間の学びのときが必要になるが、その最初の部分をこの5月6月の学び、さらに5月の修養会で体験していただければと思う。 すべての学びに全部出なければいけないというわけではない。 どれもが、一つ一つ、独立した講義なので、出れるときに出ていただければと思う。 それぞれの学びで、キリスト者として生きるための、意味のある洞察が必ず与えられることを確信する。 アーメン 
牧師 安達均

“Can We Do What God Does?”
John 14:8-17
May the Holy Spirit of our Father be showered into the people’s hearts in this sanctuary!
Starting this month, members of Resurrection Lutheran Church are experiencing something new. Japanese language services are now twice a month, the first and third Sundays. There is also another major shift.
Pastor Carl has held Bible studies for Japanese members twice a month for the last three years. And starting this month, I will lead Japanese language Bible studies twice a month at LCR on Thursdays. In this message, I would like to include some information what we will learn in the May and June Japanese Language Bible studies.
Resurrection Lutheran Church is one of 10,000 churches of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We have a slogan, “God’s Work. Our Hands.”
You might think that we cannot do what God does or God’s work, but is that true, that our hands do not do God’s work?
Let’s dive into today’s text. The second lesson, we read is Acts Chapter 2. On the fiftieth day from the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the powerful Holy Spirit blew into the community in Jerusalem. The many of the Apostles were from Galilee and their native language was Aramaic, a dialect of Hebrew, and with the help of the Holy Spirit; the Apostles could speak many different languages of the people gathering from different parts of the world.
Further, the powerful Holy Spirit enables the Apostles to be encouraged and to evangelize people of the world. Therefore, it is recognized that the day of Pentecost is the birthday of the Christian Church.
As we read the Gospel that was written in John, the Father would send the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit, to the disciples, and the Spirit would dwell among them. Jesus repeated that He was in the Father and the Father was in Him. And those who believe in Jesus would do even greater things than Jesus did.
What are we learning from the text and Gospel today? There are truths about the Holy Spirit from the Bible and from experiences that Christians gathered together at Christian church experience. The Holy Spirit may connect people to people in different cultures and speaks different languages to accomplish God’s work. The Holy Spirit also connects people to God in a very real way.
Hayato, Ken and Kanako’s son does not know the Japanese language well yet, but I believe, with the help of the Holy Spirit, I am connecting with Hayato through the sounds of words and hymns both spoken and sung. Also I believe the Holy Spirit connects Hayato to God. The Holy Spirit connects people to people and people to God.
Also, the Holy Spirit influences people to be sent on missions doing God’s work. People are sent to do things because of God’s love and justice. It is true that what has been done through Christian Church, the body of Christ, may be larger than what Jesus did 2000 years ago. And what we are doing at Resurrection Lutheran church is a part of the great things that the Church has been doing.
I mentioned a short time ago about the phrase, “God’s Work. Our Hands.” I hope you understand that why the Evangelical Lutheran Church has been using this slogan. And not only by using our hands, but through our eyes, our ears, and our mouths, we may do the same thing or even greater things than what Jesus did 2,000 years ago. I pray that our hands, eyes, ears, and mouths, may become instruments of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Since the beginning of this year, in this church we have been talking about the Stephen Ministry. In this ministry, like our Lord Christ did, lay members of the church will visit, meet face to face with, and listen to the people who experience a sudden crisis, chronic/acute diseases, or sudden loss of loved ones.
In the past that kind of pastoral care was considered a Pastor’s job, however, due to the fact that the number of pastors who can do pastoral care are decreasing but at the same time the number of people who need to receive care is increasing. Stephen Ministers are trained to be caregivers for those in need.
During the May and June Japanese Bible studies, in each session, we will read a few verses of the Bible and do devotions. Then in each session, we will learn about what it means to be a caregiver as a Stephen Minister.
To officially become a Stephen Minister, it takes about 50 (or more) hours of study time. Even if you might not become a Stephen Minister in the future, I would encourage each one of you to take several basic classes of Stephen Minister training. Since this is a trial period, you do not need to attend all classes. Every class is independent, so even if you miss the first one, just come to the second or third or attend when convenient for you to do so. I am sure each session will give you some meaningful insights to be a true Christian caregiver who does God’s work. Amen.
Pr. Hitoshi Adachi

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