「イエス様の右と左に座りたい弟子たち」 “The disciples who want to sit both side of Jesus”
皆さん「ギネス世界記録」と言う本を読んだことありますか?これは毎年新しい世界中でできた、起こった記録の一番、 “Number One” を紹介している本で、とても面白いものです。今日の説教の初めに世界の中で起こった、これはナンバー・ワンだと言う幾つかのことを紹介しましょう。そこで世界中の中でつい最近テレビで見られた出来事とそれを見た人の数の一番多かった出来事とは何だったでしょうか?
それはイギリスのロンドンで今年の9月に行われたオリンピックのオープニング・セレモニーです。4年前の中国でのオリンピックのオープニング・セレモニーは、3.5 billion の人達が、しかし今年のオリンピックのオープニング・セレモニーは4 billion の人達によってテレビで見られたそうです。オリンピックで一番の多くのメダルをとっつた人とその数は? アメリカ人で Michael Phelps と言う皆さんも御存知の人で、彼は過去4回にわたるOlympicで22 のメダルを獲得しました。その中身はが18が金メダルです。
Boxingで一番有名な人は? Mohammed Ali ですね。Golfで世界1番と知られる人は? それはいまのところJack Nicholas と言う人で、彼は過去18のMajor タイトルを取った人ですが、Tiger Wood がそのつぎで、14のMajor タイトルをもっています。
20世紀に、一番有名な学者と言うと? それはAlbert Einsteinです。世界で一番多くのレコードを売った人は? これは独りではなく、4人のグループでその名はBeatlesです。アメリカ人の中で誰が一番素晴らしかった大統領は? 今日の調査によるとそれはAbraham Lincoln です。
さて、誰がどの部門での世界一と言うことを聞く、知る、そのこと事態に問題はありませんが、私が世界の中で一番力を持つものになりたいと、そのような野望を持った、持っている人を皆さんどうお思いですか? ヒットラーのように世界を征し、独裁者として権力を持つ者になりたい、またそのようになった男は恐ろしい人です。
さて、最後に今日の福音書に平行した話を紹介しましょう。それはMarion Mill という人の人生についての話です。この人は20世紀の初めにHungary の王様の娘として生まれてきた人です。素晴らしい教育を受け、若い医学校の学生であるOtto さんと言う人と結婚し、アメリカにわたり,Hollywood で生活をするようになりました。Marion はそこで俳優になることを夢見たのです。ご主人のOttoさんも映画の世界に興味を持ち始め、ついには、医者から映画のDirectorとなったのです。しかしshow businessの派手な生活、特にアルコールと麻薬に取り付かれた生活から抜け出そうと、自殺を3回も試み、命は取り留めたもの、憂鬱症にかかった彼女は Ottoと離婚をしHungaryのViennaに戻ったのです。ある時、Marion は、あるParty で有名な医学博士に出会ったのです。彼はAlbert Schweitzer と言うアフリカで原住民を対象に病気の治療をしてきた人です。Marionさんは、このDr. Schweitzerの活動に心を引かれ、自分もこの病気の人たちに対しての治療の世話をしたい、どうか私を連れて行ってくださいと頼んだのです。そして、Dr. Schweitzer はMarionの願いを聞き入れたのです。ヨーロッパでPrincess として生まれたMarion さんは、病気の人、それも死にかかった人の世話を彼女の生涯の仕事として働いたのです。
Marion さんは後に自分の自伝を “ALL I want is everything” と言うタイトルで出版しました。Marion さんが亡くなった後、新聞はDr. Schweitzerの言葉をかりてこのようにMarionさんに対しての記事を載せたのです。 “Dr. Schweitzer says there are two kinds of people. There are the helpers, and the non-helpers. I thank God the He allowed me to become a helper, and in helping, I found everything”.
これは何年か前の “Phycology Today”と言Publicationの中でか書かれていた記事の内容と一致しています。それを英語で書かれたままで紹介しましょう。記事のタイトルは、”The powerful impact that serving has on our mental emotional health” です。続けて内容を英語で書かれたままで読んでみましょう。 “Those who helped, volunteering in nursing homes, in poor areas of the city, or in churches, were found to be happier and healthier in emotional and physical way than those who did not. God created you in such way that you need to serve people in order to really experience happiness.”
「貧苦な町の老人ホーム、または教会でVolunteer として働いている人は裕福な町の同じような所で働いている人よりも精神的にも、感情的にもハッピーですと。神様はあなた方がこのような経験により本当の幸福を見つけ出すことができるように、この世に送り出したのですよ。」
Mark 10:35-45
“The disciples who want to sit both side of Jesus”
The political heat is getting more intense. There are only 15 days left until the election and the two presidential candidates are running neck-and-neck. It is interesting to watch the political maneuvering on the road to the White house.
I don’t know about you but I have already a dozen telephone calls asking to vote President Obama or Governor Romney.
One wonders which of the candidates ‘political buddies will end up in prominent positions in the new administration next January.
Well, in today’s gospel lesson, there was some political maneuvering taking place on the road to Jerusalem. The disciples heard the words, “Kingdom of God” and they immediately think that Jesus is on his way to the capital city top throw out the Roman occupation army and establish a new all-Jewish government.
But the disciples just don’t get it. Actually, in the conversations on the way to Jerusalem, Jesus tries for the third time to warn his followers about the hard road ahead. And for the third time they just don’t get it! Jesus tells them in simple language that this trip to Jerusalem is not about business as usual. He is not going to Jerusalem to grab power from others or to use power over others. He said he is going to suffer and die. He is going to give His life to liberate God’s people from the power of sin and death.
And what is their response? Immediately, after the warning, the Zebedee brothers are wheeling and dealing for the best seats in the kingdom. The Zebedees are trying to get trying to get a jump on the other disciples. They thought a little trading can’t hurt. May be they can guarantee themselves a better position when Jesus sets up His new administrations and chooses His cabinet.Their request, to sit at Jesus’ right and left, shows that they had no idea as to the nature of Jesus’ mission. And the other disciples are no better. “When the ten heard this, they began to be angry with James and John.” And why is that? It’s because they, too, wants a piece of the action.These disciples have been with Jesus for three years. For three years Jesus has taught them about His mission and about their mission. For three years they have seen Him: serve others, heal others, welcome others and use His power for lifting others out of the depths into a new way of life.
Three years, and they are still playing politics as usual. The Zebedee brothers were even part of the “executive committee” or the inner circle of the twelve disciples, yet they could not understand.But how long have we been with the same Jesus? And how long has Jesus been with us? And are we beyond politics as usual? If politics as usual means the struggle for power and position, then it happens whenever two or three are gathered – even in Jesus’s name:
There is an expression you might have heard before. That says, “The ladder we have climbed was against the wrong wall. And that because the goal of life came from asking the wrong questions:
These questions are: How do you guarantee financial security? How do you become successful?
Do you equate success with power, position, and money? Or do you find life’s success with relationship with other fellow human beings? Perhaps we need to use the word “faithful” in relationship with other human beings.
I believe the verse 45 of today’s Gospel lesson is the key to the life. Jesus said, “For Son of Man came not to be serve but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”Service is the way of greatness in the Kingdom of God because it is the Way Jesus travels. So what exactly we are to do or expect to do as follower of Jesus?As Christian, as disciple of Jesus, we are invited to grow seven key areas: Encourage, Prayer, Invite, Worship , Serve, Study, and Give.
St. Francis, the Catholic saint found this same secret hundreds of years ago and fortunately he wrote down so we can read and reminded for our task as Christians.
Let me read.
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy;
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardon that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.