November 4th, 2013


牧師説教, by admin1.

「すばらしいあなた」 ルカ19: 1-10

そのような環境にあったザアカイだったが、彼が住んでいたエリコという町に、イエスがたまたま通られることになった。 ザアカイは、イエスをひと目みたいと思った。 といっても大勢の人が道に集まっていて、背の低いザアカイからは見ることができない。 かといって、大勢の人の前に出ていくほどでもない。ザアカイは、そっと、遠くから見るだけでも良いと思ったのではないだろうか。
しかし、イエスがそのイチジクの桑の近くに来ると、ザアカイを見つけるどころか、名前を呼ぶ。「ザアカイ」 イエスは彼を知っていた。 ザアカイはびっくり仰天。 そればかりではない、「降りてきなさい。」と言われる。一瞬、「イエスに叱られる」と思ったかもしれない。 しかし、すぐに次に出た言葉は、ザアカイを叱るわけではなく、「私は今日、あなたの家に泊まりたい。」と言われる。ますます、ザアカイはびっくりするが、喜びで満たされる。そして、イエスを迎え、食事をした。 そしてザアカイは回心し、財産の半分はまずしい人に施します。 また、だましとった分は4倍にして返します。とまで言う。そして、イエスは、「今日この家に救いが訪れた。ザアカイもアブラハムの子、神の子供の一人なのだから。」
この話、私たちには、いったいどういう意味を持っているのだろうか? ついつい、私たち自身が気落ちしてしまうような場合でも、イエスは、わたしたちの気持ちをよくご存知で、一人一人を名前で呼んでくださっていることに気がつくようにと、神は教えてくださっている。 
昨年のはじめ、三日間のある研修会に参加していた。ホームレスの方々のためのミニストリーが活発な教会で行なわれた。不安を抱え、次の人生のステップをどう歩めるのかと思われているホームレスの方々のために多くの仕え人と必要な物資が用意されていた。その中で、ボランティアをしていたアフリカ系アメリカ人が、すばらしい話をしてくれた。 彼は、実は、数年前から数ヶ月前までホームレスだった。昔は、ハネウェルという大きな会社のエンジニアとして働きよい生活をしていたが、職を失い、いつのまにかホームレスになっていたという。教会に導かれ、紹介されたシェルターで生活している期間に、たとえ自分は神から離れたような生活をしていたとしても、神がいつも自分を愛し、そばにいてくださり、彼を変えていってくれたことを話してくれた。現在は、また自立して生計を立てられるようになり、しかも、そのルーテル教会のメンバーとなり、ホームレスミニストリーを支える大切なボランティアの一人となっていた。 

“How Wonderful You Are” Luke 19: 1-10
May the Holy Spirit be breathed into this sanctuary and the Grace and Peace of our Lord be poured into each one of our hearts! Amen
Were there any moments when you felt like you were not contributing anything to your neighbors, instead you felt as though you’re a burden to society? You worry about yourself, maybe you have a complex, or are depressed. Have you ever had such an experience? Or are you having these kinds of feelings now?
There are several common reasons why most people worry. Including, but not limited to physical appearance, abilities, social status, or your reputation. What did you or do you worry about? I hope and pray that this morning’s service will transform you and free you from your anxiety; especially, if you are worrying about something in your life.
Let’s dive into the story of Zacchaeus, the tax collector. Even though, he was rich, if we think about the four reasons that I mentioned physical appearance, abilities, social status, and reputation, Zacchaeus probably thought that he was most unworthy.
Firstly, physically he was a short guy. Second, since he was short, he might think that he could not do things as well as other people could do them. He was rich because he was the chief tax collector, but he was despised and seen as chief betrayer in the Jewish community since he collected taxes for the Roman Empire. And he had a notorious reputation because he ordered his subordinate tax collectors to collect more than required. Zacchaeus was pocketing the extra taxes. When we think about his feelings (in the context of this story), he was probably depressed about his life.
Jesus visited Jericho where Zacchaeus was living. Jesus was famous and due to a huge crowd, Zecchaeus could not see him because he was short. He was not the kind of person to view Jesus from the front of a crowd. Rather, he probably was OK with seeing Jesus from a distance.
Then he found a sycamore tree. Do you know about sycamores? Sycamore trees usually have many branches, making them easily climbable. Also there are lots of leaves, so it is hard to tell if someone has climbed the sycamore, even if someone is upper part of the tree.
However, when Jesus came to the place near the sycamore tree, he easily finds him, approaches him, and calls him by name, “Zacchaeus!” Jesus knew his name. Not only did Jesus call his name, but he said, “Come down right away.” Zecchaeus might have felt that he would be scolded. But Jesus’ next words were, “I am coming to your house today.”
Zacchaeus was so surprised, exited, and joyful. Although it was not anticipated at all, he welcomed Jesus and his disciples and they ate together.
In front of Jesus, he converted, saying “I will give half my wealth to the poor, Lord, and if I have cheated people on their taxes, I will give them back four times as much!” Then Jesus responded, “Salvation has come to this home today, for this man has shown himself to be a true son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.”
What does this story mean in the context of our own lives?
Even though we worry about our physical appearance, abilities, reputations, or social status, Jesus knows well how each of us feels in our hearts, not only does he know each of us by name, he truly cares about us.
Like he said “come down to me,” he invites each one of us from a distance. He invites us to come to sanctuary every week even though we might feel that we are not worthy to come to such a Holy Place.
Not only does Jesus invite us to come, but his Holy Spirit goes out with us and comes to our own homes.
And God’s spirit is with us at the table and gives His love and nourishment for us to act according to His will. Because we are created by His will. Each one of us was created and is being created anew and changed even now at this moment.
Early last year, I was attending a three day conference. Attendees met members whose church has an active homeless ministry. We met people who are in the midst of anxiety and feeling distress. But we also met an African American person who looked healthy and was actually a wonderful, motivational speaker. He shared with us his own story about becoming homeless a few years ago, and spent several months at a church-run homeless shelter, but now he was a self-supporting person again, and he became a member of that Lutheran Church, and joyfully volunteers a lot for the church, the body of Christ. He shared that God has always been with him and cared for him and changed his life.
In this world, we may worry about our looks, abilities or reputations, but in God’s eyes, there are no defects. As God’s creations, we are blessed with different talents and He is still transforming our bodies and our hearts. Each one of us has great potential to do good for God’s sake. God is saying to you, “How wonderful you are!” Despite our flaws, He invites us to climb down from the tree and be with Him. Amen.

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