December 16th, 2013

2013年12月15日待降節第3主日聖餐礼拝説教 ”イエスの存在” 牧師 安達均

牧師説教, by admin1.

マタイ 11:2-11

お母さんが洗礼を受けるのを見ていた男の子が、なぜ洗礼の時、お水をかけたの?という質問をした。それはとても良い質問で小学校1年生の彼に、「ごはん食べるまえに手を洗うでしょう。それと似ていて、神さま、イエスさまを信じて生きていこうとする時に、その前に、水できれいにしてもらうみたいなもんだよ。」と答えた。すると、「神さまを信じて生きていくというのは、見えないものを信じることでしょ。できるのかな?」 と彼の質問は続いた。そこで、「すばらしい質問だね! そうなんだよ、信仰とは見えないけど神様を信じて生きることなんだよ。」と答えると、それ以上は質問は続かなかった。 

ヨハネの元に集まった多くの人々は、イエスに追従しはじめた。 しかし、イエスの宣教がはじまっても、ヨハネの弟子のままでいる人々もいた。 ヨハネはそのような人々に対し、イエスのところに行って、「あなたは救い主としてこの世に来られた張本人なのでしょうか?あるいは、本当の救い主が来るまで、もっと待たなければならないのでしょうか?」という質問をさせた。
ヨハネは、イエスは救い主であるということはわかっていたものの、イエスは神として怒りと裁きを顕されるような方だと思っていた節があった。 ところが実際はヨハネが想像していたイエスとは違い、あまりにも恵みに満ちた方であった。 それで、いまだにヨハネに追従してくる弟子たちに、このような質問をさせたように思う。 
マタイの11章より前あるいは後の章も読めばわかるが、それらは、実際にイエスが行なっていた業であり、しかもイザヤがすでにイエスの降誕前の紀元前600年ごろに、神の言葉として語っていたことだった。 そこには、イエスが神として、また救い主として顕われたことの証拠があったといっても良い。
すなわち、ヨハネの弟子たちが質問したことに対して、「私は救い主です。」という答えを返したともいえる。 つまり、2000年前、救い主イエスはすでに顕われたということ。 
現代の私たち、イエス様の存在を2000年前のように、見ることはできない。しかし、聖霊として、わたしたちの周りに、いまだに存在してくださっている。 そればかりではなく、イエスはもっとも小さいものにしてくれたことはわたしにしてくれたことなのだという言葉も残している。
もっとも顕著なことは、イエス自身が、「このパンはわたしの体である。」といわれたこと、「この杯は、罪の赦しのために私が流す血による新しい契約だ。」とも言われた。 だから、聖餐式でいただくパンとぶどう酒に、イエスの存在を信じて、わたしたちは、聖餐式に預かっている。 
このアドベントの時期にあって、いろいろな困難に出会うわたしたちの人生にあって、その真っ只中にいてくださる主イエスの存在を確認しよう。 それはとても神秘的なことで、よくは見えない存在。 しかし、パンとぶどう酒のなかに、あるいは、世の中のもっとも小さい兄弟姉妹のなかに、存在してくださって、私たちを強め、そして永遠の命に導く存在だ。
そのイエスの存在により、自分の置かれている状況がよく見えなかったのに見えるようになったり、人生の歩みに挫折していたのがまた歩めるようになったり、体調が悪く心も死んでいたようになっていたのに身も心も健やかになったり、本を読んでもよくわからなかったのが聖書の御言葉がどんどん読めるようになる等ということが、現在もたくさん起こっている。 皆さんの中にそのような体験をした方々がたくさんいるはず。 

“Jesus’ Presence”  Matthew 11:2-11 Pr. H. Adachi

May the Grace and Peace upon us in the name of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ!
A six year old child asked me a question, “When my mother was baptized, why you put water on her head?” Actually, this was a very good question, and I answered to him, “Before you eat dinner, do you wash your hand to clean? Correct? The Holy Baptism is something similar, before you start the faithful life, which is to follow Jesus Christ believing in God, you had better be washed spiritually by the water.”
Then he asked the next question. “Believing in God is to believe something that cannot be seen. Can I do? I wonder…” Then I said to him, “What a wonderful question you asked! Yes, the faith is to believe in God that is not seen.” Then he did not ask any further question.
Here in this message, I would like to add that, there is a substantial difference between to believe in only God and to believe in Christ as our Lord and Savior. The latter belief has a fundamental mysterious aspect which cannot be seen as well as cannot comprehend. I will talk more about this aspect toward the end of the message.
The Gospel text on this third advent, we continue reading the text that is related to John the Baptist. Last week, we learned that John was guiding the people to turn from what was not really divine to the truly divine, Jesus Christ who would come after John.
Many of followers of John started to follow Jesus after he started his ministry. However, there were people those were still following John, even when he was in jail. John let them to ask Jesus, “Are you the Messiah we’ve been expecting, or should we keep looking for someone else?”
Although John knew that Jesus was the Messiah, John was probably surprised by the fact that Jesus was graciously caring for the people without showing any fearful aspect of God’s judgment. I believe that is why John let his followers to ask such a question.
To respond to John’s question, Jesus answered, ““Go and tell John what you hear and see: the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the poor have good news brought to them. And blessed is anyone who takes no offense at me.”
If you read the several chapters before today’s Gospel of Matthew, you know these were the things that Jesus was already doing and also, if you know the book of Isaiah, they were the things that Isiah had already prophesized six hundred years ago, which means that Jesus revealed as Messiah. In other words, Jesus answered to John’s question that he was the Messiah, God revealed His Son two thousand years ago, although Jesus was using his language very cautiously because if he said “I am the Messiah,” that would cause Jewish leaders to start killing him right away.
What do these conversations between Jesus and John’s disciples mean in our lives? Especially reflecting on the season of advent, celebrating the birth of Jesus and waiting for his second coming, what is God speaking to us, disciples of Jesus Christ, now?
In reality, Jesus Christ appeared surely 2000 years ago, however, he was killed in the end. Then on the third day, he was resurrected and said to his disciples “Peace be with you” without any accusation to them even though they could not stop the crucifixion and ran away from Jesus when he was crucified. Then 40 days later, Jesus went to the sky, heaven, but 10 days later, on the Pentecost, the Holy Spirit obviously came on earth. The same Holy Spirit, God’s breeze, has been among us even though we cannot see it.
We cannot see Jesus Christ as the disciples 2000 years ago saw him, but Jesus is among us as the Holy Spirit. Not only that, Jesus left his words that “when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters; you were doing it to me!”
Even though we cannot see Jesus Christ as he appeared 2000 years ago, we can believe His presence here and there in our lives. Probably the most prominent matter is that Jesus said “Take and eat, this bread is my body. Do this for the remembrance of me.” And then, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood shed for you and for all the people for the forgiveness of sin. Do this for the remembrance of me.” Therefore, in the Holy Communion, we may believe Jesus’ presence in the sacrament which is the bread and wine, or wafer and grape juice.
In this season of advent, many of us are actually facing lots of difficulties and challenges, but the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, is among us, and the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the poor have good news brought to them. These things are really happening and people can walk with Jesus Christ eternally because of the body and blood of Jesus Christ that strengthen us and give us the eternal lives. Let us confirm His Presence during this Advent, and let us receive His precious grace through the birth of Jesus and walk our lives with great hope and dream. Amen。


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