February 13th, 2014

2014年2月9日顕現節第5主日聖餐礼拝説教 「なくてはならないあなた」”You Are Indispensable”

牧師説教, by admin1.

マタイ 5: 13-20
牧師 安達均

主イエスキリストの恵みと平安が集まった兄弟姉妹の上に豊かに注がれますように! アーメン

ある年のイースター、キリスト教徒となっていた娘さんたちとイスラエル旅行に行くことを決断され、決行された。元気に帰国されたが、翌日、長女の家で、長女が仕事から戻ると、居間にあった専用のいすに腰掛け、聖書を開いた姿勢で亡くなっていた。 天国へのすばらしい凱旋だったと思う。数日後には彼の一生を祝う葬儀が営まれた。 
イエスは、さらに、「あなた方は世の光である」とも言われる。 光は周囲を明るくする。真っ暗では、お祈りや瞑想以外、何もできないが、明るくなることで、いろいろなことができる。光は明るくするだけではない。私の家では、よくまな板を外に出して干しておくが、日光の消毒、殺菌効果があるから。光もやはりかけがえのないもの。 
「灯火を升の下に置くものはいない」と言われるが、升とは木でできた、穀物などの量を測るもの。 使わないときは、さかさにして置いていたのではないかと思う。 つまり、灯火に升をかぶせて光を遮断してしまうようなことをする者はいない。
だから世の光であるあなた方も、隠れたりしないで、堂々と人前に出なさいと言われる。 「あなた方の立派な行い」という言葉があるが、「立派な」と訳された言葉は、ギリシャ語では「Kalos」という言葉で、ギリシャ語ではしょっちゅう使われ、「良い」という意味で、つまり「良い行い。」とも訳せる。 

イエスキリストに招かれ、復活ルーテル教会の礼拝堂に集まっている兄弟姉妹のみなさん! 2000年前に群集に語られたイエスの言葉と同じ言葉を、今日、ここで私たちは聴いている。 実はよく考えると、ここに集まっている私たちも、「自分は世の中の役に立っていない。」とか悩む存在である。
しかし、イエスはここに集まった一人一人が神の目から「あなたはかけがえのない存在、地の塩であり世の光だ。」と宣言してくださっている。 そして、神の霊に満たされた一人一人に、恥ずかしがったり、また、隠れたりすることなく、聖なる霊に助けられ、キリストの導かれるまま、堂々と世に出て行って輝きなさいと言われている。 

Matthew 5: 13-20
Pr. H. Adachi

May the Grace and Peace of Jesus Christ be poured into the hearts of brothers and sisters in this sanctuary!

Wherever we go to church, we see elderly people. It is immeasurable how much I’ve learned from them. I learned much from my grandmother while attending a Russian Orthodox Church during childhood. I’ve also learned from elderly people at Nogatamachi Church, Hiyoshi Lutheran Church, Resurrection Lutheran Church (of course), and Peace Lutheran Church near my seminary in Minnesota. The elderly are an invaluable source of information and advice, if we choose to listen.
When I was attending Nogata-machi Church in Tokyo, between 85 through 97, there was an old gentleman, over 80 years old, who came to the worship by bus every week. He was not very healthy but he regularly attended church.
I often drove him home after services. He and I did not talk much but just by being with him, I learned something…through the Holy Spirit.
During the Easter season of the 1990s, he and his daughters decided to go to Israel. I was surprised that he wanted to go to Israel at his age. The family had a wonderful trip and came back to Tokyo. One day after they came back, the daughter went to her school to teach. When she returned home from work, she found that her father was sitting in a reclining chair with open Bible, but his Spirit already went to heaven. He did not go to hospital, nor was he carried by ambulance, but he died peacefully at home and was carried to heaven. A few days later, we celebrated his life at the church.

Text today, Jesus told the people gathered on the mountain, “You are the salt of the earth.” The salt makes food delicious and it is indispensable. I often use salty water to keep apples and cabbage fresh cut for several days. Salt also helps food preserve well and prevents decay. I often rinse my throat with salt; salt cleanses and purifies.
Then, Jesus told, “You are the light of the world.” The light makes circumstances brighter. If it is dark, you can do almost nothing, except maybe meditation or sleeping…if there is light, you can do a lot. Light not only makes surroundings bright, but also the light purifies and cleanses. For example, we often put our cutting board outside in the sun so that the board is sterilized. Light, like salt, is indispensable.
The people gathered were sick and many were worrying about their lives and thought to themselves that they were useless. Amongst the crowd, some were old and some were caregivers…I believe many were depressed. To those people, Jesus said, “You are the salt that is indispensable and the light that is also indispensable.”
He did not say, “You should be the salt or the light” This was not an imperative statement but it was an indicative one. In other words, you are followers of mine, you are already indispensable, the salt and the light, through God’s grace and through the Holy Spirit. This was Jesus Christ’s uplifting proclamation to the crowd.
Jesus said, “If salt has lost its taste, how can its saltiness be restored?” I hear him saying, “You are already the salt of the earth, and the salt is salt, so you won’t lose the saltiness.”
He also said, “No one after lighting a lamp puts it under the bushel basket.” I believe a bushel basket is a basket used to measure, but it is usually put upside down when it is not used. Therefore he said, “No one hides the lamp under the bushel basket to shut out the light.”
Therefore, I hear him saying, “Since you are the light of the world, don’t hide yourself, rather reveal yourself to the world.” Jesus said, “Show your good works.”
“Since you are filled with the Holy Spirit, you do good works. And other people see your good works guided by the Holy Spirit; then they praise the Holy Spirit and glorify God.”

Brothers and sisters gathered together in this sanctuary are called by Jesus Christ. The same words that Jesus told the crowd 2000 years ago are spoken to you here today. If we think about ourselves, we often worry that “we are not serving the world well or that we are useless.” We let our insecurities get in the way of God’s plans for us.
However, Jesus is saying to us, “You are indispensable and worthy. You are the salt of the earth and the light of the world.” Therefore, without hesitation go and reveal yourself to the world and allow yourself to shine guided by Jesus Christ and helped by the Holy Spirit.
Then people will look at you filled by the Holy Spirit and praise not you but God and will follow Jesus. This is the indicative statement that Jesus is telling us today.
At the beginning of this message, I told you about the brother who was over 80 years old at that time. That church was and still is full of worshippers every week. His presence influenced many people including his children and grandchildren and now they are influencing others through the work of the Holy Spirit wherever they are. I know one of his grandsons became a pastor of the United Church of Christ in Japan.
Also, at Resurrection Lutheran Church, through your faith in Christ guided by the Holy Spirit, may your faithful presence influence people in the world so that they may praise God and follow Jesus Christ! Amen.

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