September 1st, 2014


牧師説教, by admin1.


主イエスにある希望と喜びが、礼拝堂に集まった会衆の心の中に豊かに注がれますように アーメン

Prosperity Gospelという言葉がある。訳すなら、「 繁栄の福音」といえば良いだろうか?いわば金持ち、裕福になりたいという自分なりの目的があってキリスト教を信じるようになる方々がいるのは現実だと思う。

イエスの予知能力があるんだ、と読まれる方もいるかもしれない。しかし、よく考えると、イエスが病人を癒し、貧困の中に食事を与え、希望、励ましを与えた。 また異邦人、カナン人の女性の子供ですら、イエスに癒された。 すべての人を神が創造されたものとして、主の憐れみ、愛を施された。 

しかし、苦しみを受け、死するということだけでなく、イエスは復活を視野に入れておられた。 「復活することになっている。」と話されたことは、これこそすごいと思うかもしれない。 しかし、復活ということも、旧約聖書の中には、たとえば、エゼキエルには枯れた骨の復活の話はあるし、ダニエル書12章などにも、苦しみを受け、葬られ、しかし、立ち上がるというイメージは預言されていたことで、必ずしも驚くべき話でもないように思う。


そして、「私についてきたいものは、自分の十字架を担いで私に従いなさい。」という言葉を弟子たちに与えている。 これは、その当時の弟子たちに話しているだけではなく、今、ここに集まっている兄弟姉妹ひとりひとりにも、「十字架を担いでイエスに従うように。」と言われていることなのだと思う。

スライド紹介 ここでフランスの画家、ジャンフランソワミレーの「馬鈴薯植え」という一枚の絵を分ち合いたい。この絵にはいっさい十字架は描かれていないが、私は「十字架を担いでイエスに従う。」ということと関係があるように見える。この絵は実は約30年に渡って、私たちの家の居間にいつも掲げられてきた。私たちの結婚式の司式をしてくれた牧師夫妻が私たちに贈ってくださった。絵に描かれた雲は、今にも雨が降ってきて、嵐がおき、洪水すらおきかねないような天候であるかのように感じる。にもかかわらず、この絵に描かれた若夫婦は畑を耕し、ジャガイモを植え続けている。この絵の裏に、牧師が次のような言葉を書き残してくださった。「明日が世の終わりでも、今日、二人で地を耕してください。主の栄光のために。」

私はこの礼拝堂に集められた兄弟姉妹が、今、真のキリストの弟子となられていることを覚える。私たちは、なんらかの形で、苦しみを体験してきたか、これからも体験することがあるのだろう。 しかし、神の恵みと愛は、私たちの信仰をますます強くしてくれる。 今日、イエスは、私たちに、神の最終的な判断を信じつつ、目先の利害に振り回されないように教えてくださっている。
キリストの弟子とし、私たちは父・子・聖霊なる生ける神、救い主イエス、をひたすら信じ、神の意志に従って、イエスの愛を周りの人々と分かち会って生きてゆく。 神の恵みにより、私たちには復活の命、永遠の命の中におり、天の御国(約束の地)にて、真の朽ちることのない富が与えられる。 アーメン 

Potato Planters

What Does “Take Up Your Cross” Mean?
Matthew 16:21-28

May the hope and joy of Jesus Christ be poured into the hearts of the people gathered in this sanctuary! Amen.

Have you heard the phrase, “Prosperity Gospel?” There are actually people who become Christians or attend certain churches focusing on becoming wealthy. These people are following their own agenda and not living in a way that glorifies God.
Jesus said, “Take up your cross and follow me.” Well, if you live your life literally carrying a cross, I do not think you will earn lots of money. What does it mean to take up your cross and follow Jesus?
I think the key is believing, as Peter confessed in the Scripture we read last week, that Jesus is the Messiah and the living God. How should we live, in this world, when we take up our cross and follow Jesus?

Today’s Gospel text details Jesus’ foresight of his suffering, death, and resurrection. Before Jesus taught his disciples to take up the cross, he mentioned that he would undergo great suffering at the hands of Jewish leaders, be killed, and be raised on the third day.
For us, readers of the Bible, 2000 years after Jesus foresaw his own death and resurrection; we might be impressed by Jesus’ predictive ability. But let’s think about the context when he predicted this. Jesus was miraculously healing sick people and giving food to the poor. He even saved a Canaanite woman, a Gentile. He showed his love to the people who were living on society’s fringes. No matter your earthly situation all people are God’s children, created and loved by Him.
Jewish leaders thought that poverty and sickness were consequences of not following God’s law. If you disobeyed God, you deserved negative outcomes. Therefore, for them, the fact that Jesus was saving marginalized people was a pain in the butt. Under those circumstances, one can see how the Jewish leaders wanted and needed Jesus to die.

God foresaw Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection allowing these events to happen, so that humanity would be saved. However, the prophet Ezekiel wrote that even dry bones may live again and in Daniel 12, there was also a resurrection story. Therefore, the concept of resurrection was not a very unusual discussion topic.

Rather than being impressed by Jesus’ predictive ability, I think we should be more impressed by the fact that Jesus consistently loves people and gives hope and joy, even though he suffered and was killed. Most people (if not all), if they knew that they’d undergo suffering, would identify the cause and try to eliminate it, so they wouldn’t have to suffer. I believe that Jesus’ persistent love for the Father and humanity showed the depth of his faith and it was the execution of God’s plan.   
At that time, this plan, that Jesus would suffer and be killed, was not understood at all by the disciples. Even Peter followed Jesus with his own agenda that was, of course, different from what Jesus predicted. So Peter rebuked him saying, “God forbid Lord. Such a thing should never happen to you.” In response, Jesus harshly rebuked Peter saying “You are Satan, get behind me.” Satan is a symbol for thoughts or actions that separate someone from God.

Then, Jesus taught the disciples “Take up your cross and follow me.” Not only did he say this to the disciples 2000 years ago, but Jesus is saying this to us, brothers and sisters, gathered here in this sanctuary. Let’s open our hearts and minds to Jesus’ profound words.
Please think about the image of Jesus carrying the cross. He was forced to walk carrying the cross in downtown Jerusalem. He was ridiculed and shamed by the Jewish leaders and people in the city. In Jesus’ time it was a symbol of a slow, painful death.
In the 21st century, the context is different from Jesus’ time, we will most likely never literally carry a cross. However, even without such a tortuous burden, faith in Jesus Christ does not guarantee material wealth or an easy life. Rather, in today’s context, taking up your cross means to have faith even if you see difficulties in your future.

Here, I would like to share a picture painted by Jean-François Millet. It is called “Potato Planters.” Although the painting contains no cross, for me it relates to “taking up your cross.” This painting is hanging on our living room wall; we’d had it for almost 30 years. The pastor that married us gave us this painting. The clouds, in the painting, suggest rainy weather that might bring flooding. Despite this fact, the couple is still plowing the field and planting the potatoes. On the back of the painting, the pastor wrote a meaningful inscription. “Even if it is the end of the world tomorrow, please plow the field today for the glory of the Lord.”

I believe the people in this sanctuary are true disciples of Christ. We have all endured hardship in one form or another but because of God’s enduring grace and love our faith remains strong. Today, Jesus teaches us that our faith shouldn’t be measured by short term gains or losses.
As Christians, we are guided to trust the Father and to show Christ’s love to others. In doing so, we live according to God’s will. Thanks to God, we have resurrected life, eternal life, which brings us true, lasting wealth in heaven. Amen.
Pr Hitoshi Adachi

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