主イエスの恵みと平安が、主に導かれて集まった会衆の上に豊かに注がれますように! アーメン
どうしてこんなにすばらしいおもてなしができるのだろうか、と言える人にあったことがあるだろうか? あるいはどうしてこの人は、これほどまでに教会に仕えることができるのか? とか。。。
熊本市内にある大江教会訪問中は、立野牧師はじめ大江教会の皆様から、大歓迎を受けた。 また、大江教会を訪問して説教を担当するだけではなく、ルーテル学院(元九州女学院)、九州学院という二つの名門校、そして慈愛園、それは日本の社会福祉施設として、パイオニアともいえる施設の見学もしてきた。
というのは、聖書には、「人々はそのことを、早速イエスに話した。」と書いてある。 当時の医療状況からすれば、もう寝たっきりで、再起不能にもなりかねないような、それほどまでに、回りは心配だったのかと思う。
手をとって起こされただけではなく、その貴重な体験に、シモンのしゅうとめは、ひしひしと感じるものがあったのだと思う。 彼女自身が、イエスの無償の愛、神からいただいた恵み、神からの恩を感じることができて、イエス自身が愛と奉仕のお方であるように、彼女自身も、イエスの愛と奉仕を実現する者になったということがいえるのだと思う。
そのような中で、どう社会システム、教育システムを構築したら良いのかということが、さかんに考えられる時代である。しかし、その介護の現場、教育現場に働く人々の、精神的基盤こそが、実は大問題なのだと思う。もてなしの心、あるいは、奉仕の精神の、その根本には、イエスのしゅうとめが感じた、イエスの恩、神の愛、おおいなる力を感じることで、真のおもてなしの心が備わるように感じる。「感恩奉仕」というこの四文字熟語、今一度かみしめて、新たな1週間を歩みたい。アーメン 安達均
“The Heart of Hospitality” Mark 1:29-39
May Grace of Peace of the Lord poured into the hearts of the people in this sanctuary! Amen.
Have you ever met someone so hospitable that it made you question exactly how they came to be that way? Or in the case of someone who serves the church, how they come to serve so earnestly without being tired?
As you know, I left LA on Monday January 19 to visit family in Yokohama, several churches in Kyushu and Tokyo, and attended the Asian Lutheran International Conference in Malaysia. Although there were disturbing moments during my trip due to the hostages being killed by ISIS, I am thankful to God who made this journey meaningful and safely led me home. Also, I am thankful for you propelling Christ’s Mission in Southern California.
While visiting Ohe church in Kumamoto prefecture, I was welcomed with amazing hospitality from Pastor Tateno and members of the church. While in Kumamot, I not only preached at Ohe church, but also visited two wonderful educational institutions — Kyushu Gakuin Junior/Senior High School and Luther Junior/Senior High School. I also visited the Jiaien, who are the pioneers of elderly care and childcare in Japan.
During the visit at Luther Junior/Senior High School, which was previously a Girls’ School, I learned that the motto of the school is “感恩奉仕- Kan-On-Houshi.” “感-Kan” means to sense, “恩-On” means debt of gratitude/favor, and “奉仕-Houshi” means to serve. I felt that many graduates of Luther Junior/Senior High School are serving the society with wonderful hearts of hospitality wherever they go.
Let’s dive into the Gospel text today: Jesus and his four disciples Andrew, Simon, Jacob, and John, came to the house of Simon near the lake Galilee after worship.
There, Simon’s mother-in-law was very ill and lying on the bed with a high fever.
Because it is written that “they told Jesus about her right away,” and considering that level of general healthcare during those ages, she most likely was not able to get out from the bed. Consequently, those around her must have been seriously concerned.
The mother in law was very much loved by others. Although nothing is written about Simon’s wife, I can imagine that she was a wonderful spouse of Simon, who would be the first presiding bishop of the Roman Catholic Church later.
In a sense, Simon’s mother-in-law raised a wonderful daughter and let her marry to Simon, who was a fisherman then, and the head of disciples later.
Jesus realized the emergency caused by her illness, and with His spiritual and mighty hand, He raised her.
Then, although she was seriously ill, the fever left and she immediately became well and started to serve meals for Jesus and disciples with great hospitality.
Think about how she was able to serve that way; Of course, the key was Jesus, but I believe that her service stemmed from something beyond the act of Jesus healing her.
Not only she was raised by Jesus, but she also felt something from Jesus. I believe she sensed Jesus’ unconditional love and mercy, and felt a debt of gratitude to Jesus, the Lord. As a result, just as Jesus who serves people with His great love, the mother-in-law was changed and became an individual who can also show Jesus’ love.
The incident happened 2000 years ago. Simon’s mother-in-law was not a one-time incident. There are accounts of numerous similar incidents happening all over the world.
It is often said that the church is the body of Christ. So when the church—the body of Christ—reaches out to people with His love and mercy to those who are sick or desperately in need, the people may be changed with Jesus’ mighty and spiritual power. People, then, are able to realize the wonderful person within who shows God’s love and mercy.
In the midst of an aging society, we have been talking about how to improve the system for elderly care that exists today. Or in the midst of more complicated family situations, we have been experiencing more children who need special education. The human resources of caregivers and teachers for special education have been a big issue in Japan and in the US as well.
Mental and spiritual foundation of caregivers either for elderly or children is a critically important matter in this world. The key matter is the love and mercy of Jesus Christ that Simon’s mother felt through Jesus. By sensing and feeling the mighty power of Jesus continuously, the heart of great hospitality is equipped in each individual. Let’s remember the word “感恩奉仕- Kan On Houshi.” Amen. Pr. H. Adachi