Calendar 2013年2月



「あなたに与えられたギフト(賜物)」 “Spiritual Gift Given to You”
皆さんの中で英語のCharisma 、あるいはCharismaticという言葉を聞いたことがあるという人がいらっしゃると思います。それは日本語に訳すと「その人に特殊な人格」あるいは「その人の持っている人を引き付ける力」ということです。Charisma はまた英語ではGift とも訳することもできます。
若くして大統領になった、John F. Kennedy はその人柄、そして彼の演説に人を引き付ける力があったとも言われていました。私たちも過去20年の間に大統領となった Ronald Reagan, またBill Clinton も人を引き付ける力があったのを知っています。
ところで皆さんの家族、友達の中で、私はCharismatic Church に行ってますという人もいると思います。このCharismatic Church は今世界中に広まっているクリスチャンの心に神様を感じた時には震える、踊りだす、異言を語る人たちの多い教会です。
ところで、皆さんは自分の持つSpiritual Giftは何であるか知ってますか? それは私たち一人一人違うのですが、そのギフトを持っていない人は一人もいません。誰がどんなギフトを持っているのかは、友達とか、家族の人から言われて、「ああ、そうなのか、そう云われれば、私はいつも私たちの信仰の友を毎日祈りにおぼえて、感謝していますという、素晴らしいイエス様の弟子たちも、私たちの中に何人もいるはずです。
私は33年にわたる牧師の仕事の中で、訪問をすることが自分のSpiritual Giftであるとわきまえています。それは病院、老人ホーム、テキサスにいた時は,監獄にも定期的に教会員に、この人を訪ねてくださいという機会を与えられました。
日本語礼拝の中に小さな子がいないので、Chirldren sermon の機会があまりなかったのは寂しかったのですが、私にとって、一番神様の愛を素直に心に感じていた3,4歳の子供たちが聖餐式にお父さん、お母さんと共にイエス様の体であるパンと、血であるグレープジュースをいただけるように聖餐式を全ての人にオープンしたことは大きな喜びでした。
子供はConfirmation の教育を受けたのちの13歳ほどで初めてCommunion を受けることができるという習慣を、イエス様のギフトである聖餐に、だれでも、そこでイエス様と出会うのですよと子供と両親は一緒にイエス様を聖餐という形で受けてくださいという形に変えたのです。

1 Corinthians 12:3-11

“Spiritual Gifts Given To You”Pastor Yutaka Kishino

May God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace. Amen.
Have you ever heard the word “Charisma?” or “Charismatic”? In the United States many great presidents were told they had wonderful “Charisma” or in plain English it means a “Gift”. I remember President Kennedy had a youthful charisma and many people were attracted to this young politician when he ran for the office of President.
In recent history President Reagan and President Clinton had what is called a communication charisma. I also believe TV personalities such as Barbara Walters, Walter Cronkite, and Oprah Winfrey display a great deal of charisma and the Gift of communication and sincerity.
The words “Charisma” and “Charismatic” are often attached to the TV personalities, but everyone here has the gift of charisma and communication that has been given to you by God. Most people can say that “I have the gift of cooking”, or “painting” or “flower arrangement”. Musical talent gifts are also found among many of the people in this congregation.
The word “charisma” really means gift as I mentioned already. And today’s second lesson from the Bible, first Corinthians chapter 12 mentions many other kinds of gifts. They are the gifts of wisdom, the utterance of knowledge, faith, the ability to heal, the ability to work miracles, or prophecy, and most of us feel a little bit uncomfortable, but there are those who have the gift of speaking in tongues.
Of course these are not the only gifts— there are others listed in the Bible. The ability to administer, to help, to teach, and even to give.
All of these are gifts given to us by the Holy Spirit. And it says everyone has a gift –so you see we are all “Charismatics”. We all possess at least one of the gifts of the Spirit. And it says everyone has a gift of Spirit. Now, I want you to know that the gift we have are different, but there is no such thing one gift is better than the other. Because what you have is given to you by God because God knows who you are and how you can utilize the gift you have within you.
You have heard that there are “Charismatic Churches”. What image do you associate with Charismatic Churches? Speaking in tongues, people praying and praising with their hands up in the air, and a place where “faith healing” takes place?
By the way I know what my gift is, or sometimes we call this a spiritual gift. My Spiritual gift is the gift of hospitality and making calls to people and visiting them at their house or the hospital or nursing home.
I also believe that my spiritual gift is relating to small children. We have some guests this morning. They are from St. Andrew Lutheran Church in Whittier. They know that the part I enjoyed the most when I served there as Interim Minister was the children’s sermon. I enjoy drawing animated pictures or sometimes I would dress up like a Bible character, because small kids are very visually oriented.
By the way, St. Andrew Lutheran Church adopted the policy to share communion with the small children of course with the consent from their parents. The children may not understand what it means to receive bread–the body of Christ and grape juice–the blood of Christ, but it is important for them to know that Jesus is someone who gives love like their parents. I even remember the little two year old girl who said to her mother right after she took communion, she said, “I have Jesus in me now”.
We are all charismatic –because we all have received this gift from God, as the reading of the 1st Corinthians says. God knows us inside and out. There is no way we can come to God and say, “God don’t expect anything from me—you know I can’t do it,” when in reality, He gave every one of us a gift and in fact he gave each of us many gifts.
St. Paul wrote to Timothy, “Stir up the gift of God which is in you.” Another translation of that says, “Rekindle the divine gift which you received.” It is like awakening the dying embers of a fire. All of us have stirred the charred bits of blackened wood in the fireplace. This rekindling starts the flame again and brings back the heat that would be lost. St. Paul advises us to do this with our lives.
What gift lies hidden in each of us?
What talent have we allowed to go unused?
What skill have we ignored that we can rekindle to serve both God and His people?
I remember very well the days that I was an intern pastor in the winter land of Pennsylvania. I used to take Jr. and Sr. High kids to the snow packed hills. Some had their own skis or snow boards to use, but the majority of us got on sleds, as many as 5 people on one large sled and I was at the very front. There was great anticipation. We flew down the hill probably at the speed of about 25 miles for about the distance of a mile.
I enjoyed this adventure as much as the kids did. We were all excited with this thrilling adventure that was ahead of us and seeing how fast and how far we could travel down the hills.
I believe this is how the picture of the church should be. Like a sled at the top of the snow covered hill, just before take-off, all of that potential power ready to be unleashed. To be turned loose.
God gives all of us the ability to do something, but the power is unleashed when those gifts are used.
If your gift is service, then you must serve to the best of your ability.
If your gift is administration, you must take your responsibility seriously.
If your gift is to comfort the sick and the sorrowful, you must do so with Christian love.
If your gift is love, you must love wholeheartedly.
God gave you the gift that you should exercise, not just for yourself, but to the good of the community.
This is what sharing and using your Spiritual Gifts is all about.

主の洗礼日    ルカによる福音書3章15-17、21-22節

これは今から25年ほど前、テキサス州のGrand Prairie という所で新しいルーテル教会の伝道牧師として働いていた時、毎週 色々な宗派の牧師さんたちとBible study をしていた時の話です。そこに集まった牧師さんは、バプテスト、メソジスト、エピスコパル、カトリック、そして、聖霊派の牧師さんたちでした。
皆さんの中にもBaptist 教会、或いは聖霊派、Holiness church で洗礼を受けた人があると思います。自分で神様のことがわからないのは赤ちゃんだけですか?赤ちゃんだってお父さん、お母さんの愛を感じているはずです。神様の愛はどの様なものであるか、はっきり私たちがわからなくても、神様、イエス様に愛されている、また、お母さん、お父さんに愛されているという思いは小さい時から感じていたはずです。洗礼式の主人公は神様であるイエス様です。私たちは幼子も含め神様の子供であるがゆえに洗礼式によりそれを確かめるのです。


ルーテル教会を起こしたMartin Luther は私たちが悲しみに駆られる時、心が重い時、「私はイエス様に愛されている、洗礼を受けている息子、娘と呼ばれる者であると自分に言い聞かせなさい」と教えたと聞いています。
The Baptism of Our Lord” Communion Sunday January 13th 2013
Luke 3:15-17, 21-22
Tell me what does it mean to be baptized?”

May God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you Grace and Peace. Amen.
At the local ecumenical pastor’s meeting they were talking what it means to be baptized and how to baptize people. A Methodist pastor and a Baptist pastor got into some heated discussion. The Methodist pastor asked if a parson was baptized in the pool, how deep the person should go down to the water. “Up to his chin?” The Baptist pastor said, “No!”
The Methodist pastor then asked if one was considered baptized if immersed up to his nose. Again the Baptist pastor’s answer was “NO!”
“Well, if you immerse him up to his eye brows, do you consider him baptized?” asked the Methodist pastor once again. For that Baptist pastor said, “You don’t seem to understand. He must be immersed completely in water until his head is covered.”
The Methodist pastor replied, “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you all along. It’s only a little water on the top of the head that counts.”
Jesus did not tell us how much water to use or how it must be applied. If you did not know, the hundreds of pastors has been writing dissertations on how to baptize people, but Jesus did not instruct us in what fashion we should baptized people.
The Lutherans like Methodist and reformed protestant churches baptized people at the water font of Baptism where the recipients of baptism is adult or infant.
By the way you probably know infant and small children can be baptized in Catholic and traditional Protestant churches, because baptism is the action of God who gave life to us and his grace to every human beings who are born in this world.
My parents became Christians when they were young adults out of their will. They however, wanted me and my younger brother to receive baptism, so we will live the follower of Christ for the rest of our lives.
And if I may say, it is God who first showed his mercy to everyone who were born on this earth.
By the way, by his own baptism, Jesus showed us the importance of this sacrament to everyone. In fact his final words were to go preach, teach and baptize.
Baptism in our church is not just a nice ceremony. It is one of the two sacraments of the church—one of the two sacraments of the church—one of the holy acts which brings healing to the sinful and broken life.
Some question what a few drops of water can do help a person. Parents do not feel the need to have their children baptized. They can decide for themselves when they are older.
Let me share a story about Mary, the Queen of Scots (Scotland). You may remember this story since I have shared this either the bible study time or on Sunday service.
Queen Mary gave birth to Prince James on June 19th, 1566, in her Edinburgh Castle. Although she was involved in the political plots and scandals of life, she valued baptism so much that she went to considerable risk to have her son baptized.
The story says she lowered him in a basket from her window to servants waiting to carry him to the priest for the baptism. She did not hesitate, argue, debate, or procrastinate. Who do you think that baby was? That baby was the same James who, as king, authorized the King James Version of the Bible!
Jesus said, “He who believes and is baptized will be saved.” Our Lutheran teaching says, “Our churches teach that Baptism is necessary for salvation, that the grace of God is offered through baptism and that children should be baptized.”
Baptism is very important to the Christian life, because receiving baptism means to become follower of our Master Jesus Christ. It is more than ceremony. It means the cleaning from the stain of sin, and the adaption of the human being into the family of God.
The water is a sign of spiritual cleaning from sin. You may ask: what needs does a baby have for its sins to be washed away? Does 6-week-old need forgiveness? Can a child of that age guilty of sin?
A Baby has not sinned in thought, word, or deed, but we are all born with original sin. We are born as sinners, and our nature is sinful and unclean.
St Paul teaches that we are in bondage to sin and we need to be freed from this slavery. In baptism, a child is forgiven this original sin and cleansed of it.
But in baptism we are also adopted by God and received as His children.
A couple adopted a 4 year old girl. It was a child nobody else wanted. The mother did not want her because she already had another child and financially couldn’t make it. The father did not want the child because when he learned that his girlfriend was pregnant, he took off and was not seen again.
The child was not wanted because she was a half-breed. Half Italian, half American, half white and half black.
But the couple didn’t care. They wanted a child to love.
God adopts us at baptism into His family so that He may be our God and we may be His people.
One note that is very important because it makes us different from some other churches—we believe that baptism is God’s act, not ours. Baptism is not a contract made between us and God. It is not a bargain struck between God and us. It is strictly and solely God’s act. This is why we baptize little children.
It symbolizes the utter helplessness with which we each come to baptize. As infants, we cannot speak for ourselves – we cannot believe for ourselves – we are totally dependent.
In total dependency, God comes to us, touches us, lifts us from sin, and praises us to life as his adapted children…as His new sons and daughters.
When Martin Luther was in trouble, he used to write out these words, “But I was baptized.” We should say that every day. “I was baptized.”
Our lives should be filled with excitement and enthusiasm, a burning conviction for God. Every day we can say to ourselves, “In my baptism, God has promised to make me His child and enfold me in His redeeming grace.
Remember, we have been made the sons and daughters of God. We should feel the power every day of this great and most gracious gift. Amen.

2012-10-12 14.40.24

私たちの父である神と主イエス・キリストからの恵みと平安が、あなた方にあるように。  アーメン

私たちの中で、この季節は夜が長くて昼が短いと、少しもの悲しいと思う方がいるはずです。では、皆さんにバローというアラスカの一番北端にある町に行ったと想像してください。この町はアメリカの最北端にある町で、人口は4257人、そのほとんどが、エスキモーです。一年の平均温度はー19度C, 平均風速は34kmです。
今日は顕現節の初めの日曜日です。皆さんは顕現節という言葉を毎年聞いているのですが、それはどういう意味か御存じでしょうか? 顕現とは何かが本体を表すという意味です。ですから、アラスカのバローで暗黒の日々が65日続いた後に太陽がそこで待っていた人たちに出てくるその姿です。
また最近悲しい事件がコネチカット州のNewtown という町で2週間ほど前に起ったのを皆さん覚えているはずです。一人の青年が、ピストル、機関銃を持ってSandy Hook Elementary School に入って来て20人の生徒と6人の先生を射殺したのです。なぜ無邪気な子供たち、またその子供たちをかばうように、自分の命を落とした先生たち。
さて今日の説教の最後に、もう一度、バロー、アラスカの人たちのところに帰ってみましょう。そこに今、太陽の光は見出せませんが、5月の10日には地球は反対に傾き、その時から、8月の2日まで太陽が24時間輝くようになるのです。同じことは、私たちの心の奥深くにある魂についても同じく言うことができるのです。イエス様の恵みと 憐れみを私たちの心に持つことができる私たちは、私たち自身が神様の光を放つことができるようになるのです。どんなに暗い思いに駆られる時、あなたに対してのイエス様の光は消えることがないことを覚えていてください。

Day of Epiphany (From Darkness to Light)
May God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christi give you grace and peace. Amen.
Many people complain about how dark it is this time of the year. But imagine living in the little town called Barrow, Alaska. It is located on the farthest northern tip of the state of Alaska, above the Arctic Circle. If you think it’s dark in the morning this time of the year, you have not seen anything. In Barrow Alaska, Sun sets in the afternoon on November 18th, and it doesn’t rise again until January 24th. Can you imagine the total darkness for 65 days?
But the sun does rise for a moment on January 24th, the whole town comes out to celebrate, because finally, there is light again.
It seems that the prophet Isaiah was speaking to the people of Barrow, Alaska, when he writes in verse one of our Old Testament lesson for this morning; “Arise, shine, for your light has come!”
What God’s word talks about there is a different kind of light, and a different kind of darkness. And when this special light that God speak about begins to shine though that ugly darkness, the results are much more spectacular and joyful than anything you could experience in northern Alaska.
Today is the first day of the official beginning of the Epiphany season of the church calendar. What does the word “epiphany” mean? An “Epiphany” is when something reveals itself, or shows itself. For example, in Barrow, Alaska, after 65days of darkness, the sun finally revels its glory for everyone to see. That’s an epiphany.
For the next two months, we will be in the Epiphany season, and the main purpose of Epiphany is to reveal to us the glory of our Savior Jesus Christ.
Our world has been still struggling many dark things. The Americans and our allied countries sent thousands of armed personals to countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq for over 8 years to try to find peaceful solution of the regional conflicts, but the majority of people still cannot see if anything good come out of this struggle. What are we try to accomplish? Or should we get out all together from the mess we created?
You can sum up the festival of Epiphany with one phrase, and that one phrase is the theme for our sermon this morning: From Darkness to light. “Arise,” God says to you, “Shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.”
The Bible pictures you and me the rest of the world as a group of people living in darkness, people who have been waiting and waiting and waiting for the sun to rise; “See,” God says, “darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples.”
God pictures our world as a very dark place. Spiritually dark. You can see evidence of spiritual darkness by looking around you – just over 2 weeks ago an armed young man entered into the Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown in Connecticut killing 26 of them including 20 children. Why these innocent boys and girls had to go through this act of senselessness.
I know the constitution of the United States from very early on adapted to have the rights to own fire armaments. I understand over 30% of American household keep some kind of fire armaments. Coming the country, where the citizen outside of military and police personals cannot own or possess the fire arms, I cannot understand possibilities of violence in the United States, when a mad person miss use such weapon to the innocent people.
Yes, “thick darkness is over the peoples, but the birth of the Lord, Jesus Christ is described in the Bible as the rising of the sun on a very dark place. The sun rises, and the darkness disappears. When Jesus rises in your life, he shines his forgiveness and grace into your life, and the darkness in your soul disappears.
Their land of spiritual darkness because they wanted to see and worship the Christ. They made the long trip to Jerusalem, and they were probably surprised to see that this city was just as spiritually dark as the land they had come from.
But finally they found the Messiah. Isaiah talks about the wise men. “Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn”.
Many people call Epiphany the “Gentile Christmas,” because one of the main themes of the Epiphany season is that Christ is a light, not just for a select group of people like the Jews, but for all the people, all over the world.
One of the important promise that our Savior has given to us this is…..”No matter how dark the world becomes, the light of Jesus Christ will never stop shining for you.
Going back to the people in Barrow, Alaska, while t is true that right now, the sun never rises there. But in six month from now, the earth will tilt a different way, and then, in Barrow, Alaska, the sun will never set. From May 10th until August 2nd, for almost three months, the sun will not stop shining in Barrow.
And so it is with your soul. Once the grace and mercy and forgiveness of Jesus Christ rises in your life, it will never stop shining. No matter how dark the world gets around you, Christ’s love will always shine your life.
Listen again. “Arise, shine, for your light has come. And the glory of the Lord rises upon you.” Amen.

“He’s Already Twelve?” 「もう12才?」

私の孫達が幼い時、彼らは完璧でした。悪い所等何処にもなく、目に入れても痛くない程可愛い、私に喜びを与えてくれる存在でした。ところが、気になる変化が起こり出したのです。孫たちに「独立心」が芽生え出し、おとなしくひざに座っていてはくれず、立って歩き出し、何にでも手を出し始めたのです。割れ易い貴重な飾り物をおもちゃにしたり、鍋やフライパンを叩いてさわいだり、そして「NO (イヤ)!」と言うことを覚えました。食べ物の好き嫌いが激しくなり、また嫌がらせを面白がって頻繁にするようになりました。私の二人の可愛い孫達は何故変ってしまったのでしょう?そして12才になると、今までに増してもっとひどくなりました。以前のように私に甘えて抱っこすることもなくなり、むしろ私の事を現代から取り残された、ジョナスブラザースもジャステインビーバーが誰であるかも知らない、渋顔の禿げ頭の爺さんとしか見ないようになってしまったのです。たった12年の短い間にこれほどの変化が起こるとは全く驚かないではいられません。








これらの目標を達成する事ができたなら、2013年が終わる時には、あなたはきっと周りのだれよりも賢い者となる事でしょう。 アーメン。

民 Day訳