



「結婚について聖書からの言葉」”The Bible and Marriage”


さて今日の説教の前に1970年代にテレビによくでてきたCaptain and Tennille と言うカップルのThe Wedding Song と言う歌を聴いてください。歌詞は今日の週報の中に折り込まれています。

      The Wedding Song

He is now to be among you at the calling of your hearts
Rest assured this troubadour is acting on His part.
The union of your spirits, here, has caused Him to remain
For whenever two or more of you are gathered in His name
There is Love,
there is Love.

Well a man shall leave his mother and a woman leave her home
They shall travel on to where the two shall be as one.
As it was in the beginning is now and til the end
Woman draws her life from man and gives it back again.
And there is Love,
there is Love.
Well then what’s to be the reason for becoming man and wife? Is it love that brings you here or love that brings you life?
For if loving is the answer, then who’s the giving for?
Do you believe in something that you’ve never seen before?
Oh there is Love,
there is Love.

Oh the marriage of your spirits here has caused Him to remain
For whenever two or more of you are gathered in His name
There is Love,
there is Love.

私は1975年に立教大学を卒業したすぐ後、アメリカ、ペンシルベニア州のGettysburgと言う所にあるルーテル神学校に行きました。神学校を出るには4年かかります。3年目はインターン・シップの時で、私は、その一年をLebanon という町の教会で過ごすしました。そこはPennsylvania DutchAmish とかMennonite という 200年も自分たちの文化を電気も、自動車も使わない農作をしている人達の多いところでした。


ある日、ある会員である女性のおばさんで、老人ホームで、リクリレーション・セラピーをしている人から、 “Yutaka, I want you to visit me at my work place”と言われ、そこにおばさんを訪ねると、  “I want you to meet with someone” と言われ、このsomeoneとは誰だろうと思っている間にある若い女性を連れてきたのです。

2週間前に説教の中でFiddler on the Roofの話をしましたが、その中にいたMatch makerがいました。まさに、このおばさんが、その役をはたしたのです。若い女性とは当時22歳の Occupational Therapy の勉強をしていた、家内のナンシーです。二年間の付き合いの後、結婚式を挙げました。私の両親、また幼稚園から中学まで一緒に育った親友がthe  best  man として来てくれました。

今年で結婚生活33年目です。初めの教会はPhiladelphia でそこに副牧師として4年間、その後、テキサスのダラスで3年、またGrand Prairie というダラスの南に新しい新興住宅が建てられた時、Pastor Developer として新しく建てられた家を一軒、 一軒尋ねました。もうそのころは4才になる娘のKatie と生まれたばかりのAndrew の面倒を見るお母さんの仕事をしながら、交代に子供の面倒を見ました。また、家内は、昼間病院でOccupational Therapist として働いていたので、小さい子供を抱えて働く生活にはチャレンジが沢山ありました。しかし夜中に哺乳瓶でミルクを飲ませるのは私の責任でした。早く飲み終えて欲しいのに、少し飲んでは寝て、また起きて飲んでと、私のほうが疲れてしまいましたが、今から考えるとそのように子供たちと過ごすことができたことに感謝しています。

また、金曜日は私のday off で、その日にはストローラーに子供を入れて近くのモールであっちに行ったり、こっちに行ったりして半日過ごしました。今日の旧約聖書の話の最初の夫婦アダムもイブもお互いを助け合い、家族の面倒をも見ていったと思います。

ところでこの広い世界にあって、ある一人の女性がある一人の男性とめぐり合うと言うのはまったく不思議なことではないでしょうか? 先に述べたように、地球の反対側から来てそこで人生の伴侶となる人に出会うとは考えても見なかったことです。それが神様の計画であったと言うことが本当かどうか、分かりませんが、結婚生活の中で二人が、お互いの弱い所を助け合いながら生きてゆくことは大切なことです。男の代表として反省しなければならないことは、いつも、奥さんを大事にすると言うことです。子供のことは奥さんに任せる、食事の仕度も奥さん、買い物も奥さん、掃除、家の片付け、料理も奥さんの仕事と考えてしまうのは男の悪い癖。また奥さんはご主人からの “Thank you”, “I care for you” , そして、 “I love you”と言う声を常に求めているのです。家内は、私が、これらの短い言葉をこのごろ昔ほど言わないというのです。「愛してるよ」との一言が、人生の上に潤いをもたらす事を信じることは、夫婦関係の中だけでなく、家族のひとりひとりに語りかける大切な言葉です。


結婚生活は生活を共にすることですから、その中でお互いに自分の欠点や性格が出てきます。そこから不満が生まれ、お互いへの愛情が冷めてしまう状態になることもあるのです。誰かが言いました。「愛するとは、忍耐強く相手に接することだ」と。喧嘩に一方の人が正当化されることはありません。お互いの中で心の中で、もやもやの思いが出てくる。それが不満であり、ほおっておくと、愛情はいつ冷えてもおかしくない状態になります。そんな時、愛するとは、忍耐強く相手に接することです。お互いに欠点があり、弱さがあることを認めること、そしてお互いを赦す心を持つことです。お互いの自分の言い分、短所を受け入れる決断が必要です。受け入れてもらう時、そこに感謝の念が生まれます。しかしこれは口で言うほど、やさしいことではありません。お互いに話し始める前にお互いが神様に祈る心も必要です。英語でこういう言葉があります。 “Families that pray together, stay together”



そのうちの一人である娘のMagdalenaについて一言お話しましょう。Magdalena がまだ若いteenager の時、彼女は思い病気にかかり、お医者さんからあと少しの時間でこの世を去ることになるでしょうと言われたのです。ルターは、Magdalenaを見つめて言いました。「愛する娘Magdalenaよ。お前があと少しでイエス様の元に戻るのを私は知っている。しかし私の心は騒いでいるのだ。お前と一緒にこの世の世界にいられないのはとても悲しいけれど、お前がイエス様の許にいることを知って私の心は収まるのだ。そして最後にMagdalena “As God will’’ と言って息を引きとったのです。ルターは悲しみを喜びに満ちた思いで神に感謝したと言ったのです。アーメン。

 “The Bible and marriage”

May God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace.  Amen.

As I start my message this morning, I would like you to listen to the song called “The Wedding Song” sung by “Captain and Tennille” in 1970’s . 

The Wedding Song

He is now to be among you at the calling of your hearts
Rest assured this troubadour is acting on His part.
The union of your spirits, here, has caused Him to remain
For whenever two or more of you are gathered in His name
There is Love,
there is Love.

Well a man shall leave his mother and a woman leave her home
They shall travel on to where the two shall be as one.
As it was in the beginning is now and til the end
Woman draws her life from man and gives it back again.
And there is Love,
there is Love.

Well then what’s to be the reason for becoming man and wife?
Is it love that brings you here or love that brings you life?
For if loving is the answer, then who’s the giving for?
Do you believe in something that you’ve never seen before?
Oh there is Love,
there is Love.

Oh the marriage of your spirits here has caused Him to remain
For whenever two or more of you are gathered in His name
There is Love,
there is Love.

Lovely song , isn’t it.  I will come back about this song later. 

Back in 1975, right after the graduation from Rikkyo University in Tokyo,  I came to the United States to enter the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Gettysburg.  To graduate from the seminary, it takes 3 years of study and a year of internship.

One year of internship is required to spend at the congregational setting to learn all aspect of the church life and activities.

I was requested by a Pastor of the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church of Lebanon Pennsylvania to come to his church for one year of internship.  I had no idea who is this pastor or why the pastor of this congregation wanted me to come to his church, but I was happy to have a placement set, and besides, Pennsylvania Dutch Country sounded very interesting.  You probably know the Amish people who live in the central Pennsylvania are engaged in the organic farming and work of farming without modern machineries, let alone any use of electricity and automobile or tractor.

I was told my main task at the 1200 membership congregation is to preach once a month, visit shut in members at homes and hospitals. 

One day, one of the congregation member asked me to visit her nursing home.  I thought she will be introducing me to the some of the residents, but to my surprise she introduced me to a young lady who was working as a recreational therapy aid.  I am going to ask you who do you think that young lady was? 

Well, that was Nancy, my wife.  Life is full of surprise.  We start dating and we were engaged  a year later.  In May of 1979, I graduated from seminary, receive a call as an assistant Pastor in Philadelphia and got ordained  in May and married to Nancy in June of 1979.

My parents came to the wedding with my missionary Pastor , Pastor Luttio.  Some of you know him because he is also a ventriloquist who visited us a couple times in the past. 

My best friend from the kindergarten time came as my best man for the wedding.  We had three pastors took part of our wedding. So we had three pastors, my internship pastor, Nancy’s home church pastor and Pastor Luttio take part of the marriage ceremony.

The following day there was a newspaper article that dedicated whole one page about our wedding with the picture under the title the East meets the West and my mother had a kimono on.

I still remember clearly much of what took place on that day, but I felt more than anything that we were surrounded by the love of families and friends.

This is our 33 years anniversary and we cannot believe time passed so fast.  Many things took place, but we moved to Philadelphia to Dallas, Texas and started the family in 1980’s.  The bishop in Texas Louisiana synod asked me to develop a new congregation.  It was the hardest but the most fulfilled experience of my life to give a new birth to a congregation. 

Nancy was recruited to the newly started rehabilitation team for the people with spine problem and received a great recognition.  Our children were both born in Texas. 

 From early on of our baby children I took over the midnight shift to feed the milk to our children so Nancy can rest the night.  For me it was the best bonding time with both Katie and Andrew.

Then the newly organized Evangelical Lutheran Church in America gave me a call to move to Southern California and asked me to oversee the planting of new congregations.

We settled in Corona and we were happy to find a Filipino nanny to come to take care our children during the day time and they stayed with us until Andrew finished the elementary school.

Nancy and I were always busy, but we were mindful to take our own time together.

Married couple need to take time to talk, and that is only way to find the need to each other.  When that does not take place, we got irritated and start arguing, even to end up fighting.  I then tend to become quiet or avoid conversation and that even made Nancy more upset.

I think everyone should read the book called Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: A Practical Guide for Improving Communication and Getting What You Want in Your Relationships.

Yes, it’s about communication.  In general, women are better communicator than  men.

I tend to become quiet, especially after arguments.  It is because stupid sense of pride that I don’t want to say “I am sorry” or “I treated you badly”.  Let’s kiss and make up does not work, I know that, but then self-pity takes hold of me.I often tell people that we need to take good care of ourselves…..but I often find myself neglecting that, especially with the one who is the most closest, that is my wife.

I should, I need, I must, I have to, these words are meaningless words until I can say my sincere apology to the one we love the most.There is saying, “Family that pray together, stay together”   I need to pray with one I love, my wife, my children and my parents, and you, who are here in this worship service.

Finally I need to say important thing to those who have experienced separation from the spouse.  I happen to know many of them in my relatives and friends.  I have no rights to say anything about the reason of separation.  But I also feel the pain and loneliness from those who went through this experience.

I have my own brother who went through this.  I have many friends including my friend pastors, both male and female pastors who struggle their own married life. I pray for you as your pastor, but more as your friend.

It is my sincere prayer that we need to be kind and considerate to each other.  We need to be gentle and understanding not just to spouses but to the rest of the families and the ones we have daily contact.  And we all hope to learn this lifelong lesson with the source of the greatest love that is Jesus our Lord.  Amen.









週報通算# 1230    (日本語)

2012 10 7W

1230     (英語)

Sunday English Bulletin 1230E

マルコによる福音書9章38-50節  GODISNOWHERE




では同じように GODISNOWHEREを皆さんはどう読みますか? ある人は, “God is nowhere” 読むでしょうが、反対に “God is now here”と読んだ人もいるはずです。意味としてはまったく反対のことになりますね。


さて今日の福音書によると、イエス様の弟子でない人達が、イエス様の名によって悪霊を追い出していたとあります。それに対してのイエス様の弟子たちの答えは,「その男はそんなことをしてはいけない」と言うのです。「彼は私たちの仲間でない、だから、そんなひとたちに悪霊を追い出す事を、やめさせなさい」と言うのです。イエス様の弟子たちは自分たちの仲間でない人達がイエス様に託された仕事をしていることが気に食わなかったのです。しかしこの人達がイエス様の名によって奇蹟をおこなっているとはおもしろくなかったのです。イエス様はこの男がイエス様の弟子たちの仲間でないことはわかっていましたが、彼はイエス様に反対するものではないと言われたのです。私たち人間はどうもPositive な事より、Negativeなことに気を取られるのではないでしょうか?



皆さんの中にはDr. Robert Schuler を覚えていますか? 彼は、1970年代2000年代の初めにかけて、クリスタル・カテドラルで毎週何千人もの礼拝者を集めて礼拝をしていました。Drive-in Theater から伝道を始めて、彼の伝道のcatch phrase “Positive thinking” でした。彼はイエス様の伝道、祈り、すべてがPositive thinkingから来る、それが神様からの福音だとも解釈していたようです。それについて多くのクルスチャンはPositive thinking は必ずしも福音ではないと言っていたわけですが、Dr. Shuler の言葉でイエス様を受け入れた、救いを受けたという多くの人がいるのを批判してはいけないのです。私たちは一人ひとり神様に出会う時と場所は違います。赤ちゃんが生まれたその喜びにイエス様を神様として受け入れた人もあれば、監獄の中で神様を信じ、洗礼を受けた人もいます。

イエス様はまた、今日の福音書の終わりに塩について語っています。塩は私たちの生活の中でなくてはならない必需品です。しかし多くの人は塩と聞くと、あまり塩分を取ってはいけない、なぜなら、体の中に塩分が入りすぎると、色々な病気が出てくると答えます。それはそうと知っていますが、塩気のないおにぎり、味噌汁、焼き魚、漬物は食べてもおいしくないし甘いおしるこも、ちょっとだけでも塩を入れることによってもっと甘みが出るのを皆さんご存知のはずです。塩をかける、また塩の中に肉や野菜を漬けるとそれらのものが腐りにくくなり、長時間持ち続けるのです。塩は石鹸、洗剤の中になくてはならない物で、またSodium, 塩は私たちが毎日使う薬品のほとんどの中に入っています。イエス様は、塩をそういう意味で大切なもの、なくてはならないものと教えているのです。ですから聖霊の火と共に私たちに、地の塩になりなさいと教えてくださっているのです。

今日の旧約聖書の日課の中で、40年間、 砂漠をさまよったユダヤ人は肉が食べたいとべそをかいていた時、神様は彼らを哀れんでマナと言う食べ物を空から送ってくださり、マナを食べて満足したユダヤ人は、今度は、魚も食べたい、たまねぎ、なす、人参も食べたい。もしエジプトから、逃げださなかったら、まだおいしい物が食べられたのにとモーセに駄々をこね始めたたのです。そんな時に、”God is nowhere” と言ったでしょう。モーセは、このようなぶつぶつ言う自分の仲間をリードして40年、荒野をめぐりまわり、最後に、シナイ山で神様からの10戒をいただき、この戒律を守ることで、神様からの恵みをいただくことを教えたのです。神様の恵みをいただく私たちはそこで、”God is nowhere” ではなく、”God is now here” と言えるようになるのではないでしょうか。

もう何年も前のことですが、”Reader’s Digest” と言う雑誌の中で次の短い話を読みました。これはある家庭の子供が、近くの農場で働いていたおじさんにアヒルの卵をもらってきた話です。家に帰ってきて、お父さんとお母さんに興奮して言いました。「おじさんが僕にアヒルの卵をくれたの。アヒルのお母さんは卵を産んだのに、それをあっためないんだって。だから僕にくれて、あったかい所においてしばらくするとアヒルの赤ちゃんとなって殻をわって出てくるよと、お父さんとお母さんは言いました。

お母さんは言いました。「いいわよ、でもあなたが毎日面倒見るのよ。卵はね、あったかい所においておかないとだめよ。でも熱い所はだめ」と台所のガス・オーブンのpilot lightの着いている近くの、いつも暖かい所に卵の寝床を作ってあげたのです。一週間、2週間経ち卵は触ってみると暖かい。でもアヒルの赤ちゃんちゃんと育っているのかしらと家族の皆が心配になったのです。もしかしたらもう死んでしまっているかも。お姉さんに、なんか腐った臭いがしているみたいと脅かされて、この男の子、神様に祈ったのです。「神様お願いです。アヒルの赤ちゃんがまだ生きていますように」と。それはまさに半信半疑の思いで言った、 “GODISNOWHERE” の思いでしたが、2,3日たって殻を割って出てきたアヒルの赤ちゃんを見っけて、初めて、神様が今ここにアヒルの赤ちゃんを無事に産んでくれたんだとの “GOD IS NOW HERE” の思いに駆られたのです。

神様が、いつ私と共にいてくれてるんだろうか?神様に私は見放されたんじゃないだろうか、と私たちは良く考えます、また悩みます。しかしそんな時こそ、”God is now here” の信仰の心を抱いてください。神様であるイエス様はいつも、いつも、たとえ、私たちがイエス様を身近に覚えない、感じない時にも私たちを見放すことはなさいません。アーメン。

Mark 9:38-50  “GODISNOWHERE”

May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace.  Amen.

My elementary school teacher taught us many interesting things in our Japanese class lessons.  One thing he taught us that I still remember was how to punctuate a sentence.  He said if you don’t know what you want to say you may be misunderstood completely. And he wrote this on the paper. ここではきものをぬいでください。Then he showed us a picture of a bath house.  Some of you read 「ここで、履物を脱いでください」そして下駄箱に入れてくださいと言うわけです。But some of you read this as, 「ここで履物を脱いでください」下駄箱の前で着物を脱ぐとは変なこではありませんか」。

Now I would like to hold up a sign and have you look at it.  Take a moment to read what it says: Hold up a sign that reads GODISNOWHERE) What is it that you see?  I would guess that the majority of you see a sign that reads: GOD IS NOWHERE.

When given the choice, it is the human tendency to more see this in a more negative way.That’s the case today…, just as it was in Mark’s day.  In today’s gospel lesson from Mark, the subject is a man who was not a part of “their” group.  And although he was not a part of “their” group, he was doing part of their work.  He was casting out demons in Jesus’ name.  So they stopped him from healing.

You see they were more concerned with the negative aspects of him not being a part of “their” group.  Instead, of seeing him in a positive light and realizing the positive aspects of his work that he was doing– healing the people, but not just healing the people,  but he was healing people in  the name of Jesus.

Here was someone doing a wonderful thing and giving credit to Jesus Christ, and Jesus’ own disciples were upset.  I doubt that the man who was healed was upset.  And from the account in Mark’s gospel, I know that Jesus wasn’t upset. Jesus does not deny that this man had not been a part of their group.  But he is quick to point out that if he is not against them…, then he must be for them.  In fact, even now, he needs more people to be for him than against him.  The human tendency of the disciples was to look at the negatives.

Jesus was saying to his disciples, “Look at the positive aspects.”  The disciples looked at the outsider who was healing and said: “God Is No Where” in these actions; while Jesus was trying to say, “God Is Now Here” in this healing.  Like I said, unfortunately too often, human nature tends to lead us towards the negative side of a situation instead of the positive aspects.

The end of today’s gospel lesson talks about salt.  When it comes to looking at the negatives, salt has certainly gotten negative images today, especially our awareness concerning health and a good diet.  Most people will agree that too much salt is not good for you.  They say that salt encourages your body to hold water, thus increasing your body weight.  Salt causes you to have high blood pressure which is unhealthy.

There are many negative aspects that are attributed to the use of salt.  I heard that only 5% of salt is used in food, but it’s that small 5% that gives salt its bad reputation.However, salt also has many positive qualities.  All humans and animals need some salt to be healthy.  Salt is also used in meat packing, sausage making and fish curing. Salt is used to cure and preserve hides.  In the chemical industry salt is used to manufacture acid and chlorine.  Did you know salt is used in making soap?  And the medical industry relies heavily on salt solutions for treating various infections and diseases.

So Jesus tells us that salt is good.  He is speaking of being salted with the fire of the Holy Spirit.  Unfortunately, even in this Christian context/usage, too many people elect to be on a “salt –free diet”. 

They say that they are Christians…, but they have lost their saltiness.  They don’t permit the Holy Spirit to work through them.  They have lost their enthusiasm…, the aliveness of their faith.  Part of that is due to the fact that people do tend to emphasize the Negative instead of looking towards the Positive.

Look at the situation of the Israelites in today’s Old Testament lesson from the Book of Numbers.  The Israelites wandering around in the wilderness are griping about their menu, and remembering when they had fish, melons, cucumbers, onions and garlic.  Now all they have to eat is Manna.  They look at Moses and say: “God Is No Where”.

In order to help relieve this discontent, he calls together 70 leaders of the group.  He was probably reminding them of how they have been freed from their bondage to slavery and have been chosen as God’s own people…, of how they were being led to the promised land …, of how they have been assured salvation.  He was telling them that: “GOD IS NOW HERE.”  But they were worried about not having onions and garlic.Human nature too often tends to lead us towards the negative side of situations.  Jesus, however, is constantly trying to pull us over to the positive side, the side of hope and of a bright future ahead.

We are capable of looking at the positive side of a situation when we really want to.  I challenge you to keep this in mind in the life of our congregation.  We are a small worship group.  We have a worship attendance of between 20 to 25 people on any given Sunday.   But most of us are involved in many aspects of this church’s life, such as visitation ministry of prayer and visitation, choir Friendship Task Group, flower arrangements and painting and in the past you had even a cooking class.

We have three Bible study groups and we have many joint projects with our English speaking members.  We indeed lead the Care Connection Ministry with just about all of our Japanese members signing up for this ministry.

Actually, this Japanese Ministry here at LCR is one of the earliest ministries of any ethnic ministry within the English congregations of the ELCA and this is the trend of many congregations today.Because many of us like to hear the Gospel in our own language we continue to attend and support our Japanese Ministry here at LCR.  This is not a bad thing, this is a positive thing because many Japanese people want to know about Jesus and are looking for a congregation where they feel warmth, love, acceptance and are very comfortable.

So let us pose this question once again.  How are we looking at the sentence GODISNOWHERE are we looking at this sentence as– “God Is No Where” or are we now looking at the sentence as– “God Is Now Here”.  Keep a positive outlook in life and in all that you do!  Amen.


September 26th, 2012


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Oct 2012 Calendar

週報通算#1229W号 (日本語)



週報通算#1229E号 (英語)





“Please  Remember Me“








宗教は心の慰め、お互いを助け、愛し合うことを前提とした人間に必要な精神的な力をいただくところです。押し付けの宗教は困り物ですが、お互いの宗教、心の持ち方を尊重して共存しなくてはいけないのです。 しかし、その中でお互いが自分の信条を持つことは大切であり、信じるものがそこにあるからこそ、お互いの宗教感も認め合わなければいけないのです。人間としての兄弟姉妹が一緒に集まっている、一緒にお祝いする、一緒に祈りあう、それは宗教の違いを超えて人間としての喜びであると私は信じます。


私たちが家族で集まる時はとても大切な時です。特に、結婚した兄弟姉妹が、お父さん、お母さんの誕生日に家族を連れてきてくれる。おじいちゃん、おばあちゃんと本を読んでくれる子供たち、孫たちもいる。一緒に食事をする、おじいちゃん,おばあちゃんの肩をたたいてあげる、その反対におじいちゃんが肩車してくれる。おばあちゃんのひざに座って大好きな本を読んでもらう。それは素晴らしい時であり、私たちの宝の思い出です。でも、そのおじいちゃん、おばあちゃんも今もういない、あの世に行ってしまった。それは悲しい事です。 しかし愛する人への思い出は消えません。その思い出は私たちの宝物なのです。


ところで、今日のルカによる福音書 23章の話の中で、十字架にかけられたイエス様の両脇に二人の犯罪者が同じく十字架につけられたのです。そのところをもう一度読んでみます。「他にも。、二人の犯罪人が、イエスと一緒に死刑にされるために、引かれて行った。 「されこうべ」と呼ばれている所に来ると、そこで人々はイエスを十字架につけた。犯罪人も一人は右に、一人は左に、十字架に付けた」。釘で打たれたのです。十字架にかかって死ぬと言う両手も足も十字架に大きな釘で打たれ、自分の体重がその釘につるされるという、とてつもない苦痛の中で、最後には、気を失って死んでゆくことでした。同じように十字架にかけられていた犯罪人の一人が、イエス様をののしって「お前は、メシアではないか、自分自身と我々を救ってみろ」と叫んだのです。すると、もう一人の方がたしなめて言ったのです。『お前は神を恐れないのか、同じ刑罰を受けているのに。我々は、自分のやったことの報いを受けているのだから、当然だ。 しかしこの方は何も悪いことをしていない。』 そこで、「イエスよ、あなたの御国においでになる時には、私を思い出してください」と言った。するとイエスは、「はっきり言っておくが、あなたは今日、私と一緒にパラダイスにいる」と言われたのです。多分この二人目の犯罪者も始めの犯罪者と同様に悪いことをしてきたのです。強盗、詐欺、人殺しをしたかもしれない。イエス様に、天国につれていってくださいなどおこがましいことを言えるはずもない。だから、せめて、イエス様、「あなたが天国にいらした時には、私のことを思い出してください」と言ったのではないでしょうか?



Memorial Service              September 23, 2012

 “Jesus Remember Me When You Come Into Your Kingdom”

Grace to you and Peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen.

The Japanese Ministry of Lutheran Church of Resurrection has been observing this memorial service for many years.  It is our joy that we have a number of English speaking members as well as many Japanese friends join us for this service today.  I have intentionally invited many non-Christian friends to this service today because we all want to respect and remember those friends and loved ones who have gone to heaven before us regardless of our differences of religion or faith.

According to a recent Japanese newspaper article, the Japanese people’s life expectancy is the longest in the world.  Japanese celebrate the day of elders on September 15th every year.  And this year the Japanese government announced that there are 3620 more people who have reached 100 years of age compared to last year at this time.  The actual number of people today who are over 100 years of age are 51,376 people of which 87% are women.

The government of Japan started taking these statistics of the number of centurions living in Japan in the year 1963.  There were only 153 persons who were over 100 years old in that year.  By 1998 that number grew to over 10,000 people and in 2009 it grew to over 40,000 people.In Japan today, people are living longer, but at the same time the birth rate of the Japanese people have plateaued or have even decreased.  So the question today is–how do we take care of the elderly people in the future with less young people being born?  The Japanese are facing this problem but this problem is also starting to impact many developing countries in the world today.The majority of my classmates have now turned 60 years old this year, and many of my friends have either lost one or both of their parents.  Also, one third of my classmates are either retired from work or are beginning to contemplate their retirement.  It is also true that many Japanese members of this congregation return to Japan, because of their parents are struggling with health problems or for the funeral of one or both of their parents.  I lost my father two years ago and my wife Nancy lost her father last year.

It is not easy to go through the experience of the loss of your own parents, relatives, brothers and sisters or even your own children.  It is a natural and healthy expression of our thoughts, feelings and grieving that we come together and celebrate and mourn the loss and sadness of our loved ones.  We also believe that such sentiments extend beyond the religious differences and beliefs and thus we want to share and extend our love and concern to the friends regardless of our differences of religion and faith.   

When I started to prepare my message for this memorial service, the words of Psalm 133 verse 1 caught my eyes.  It reads, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers and sisters to dwell together in unity.”  It is wonderful to be able to sit together with our loved ones, our brothers and sisters and friends, but some of the familiar faces that we are used to seeing are not here today, perhaps your parents, brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts, cousins and special wonderful friends.

It is also very tough to lose your spouse or your soul mate and your teachers. It is fitting that at this time of the year and especially today at this special memorial service we remember our loved ones and thank God that they are with our Lord in heaven.My children have been with my parents from time to time over the years, but they did not grow up with them around the clock.  They also had the handicap of understanding the Japanese language.  But despite these difficulties they managed to build a strong relationship with them, and yes, you are right, for my parents they were the “apple of their eyes”.  My daughter, who is very interested in genealogy and family history, now lives in her own apartment and she has an extensive photo collection of my parents and Nancy’s parents, as well as cousins and other relatives on her living room wall.  She also has family documents that date back to her relative John Hart who was one of the original signers of the Declaration of Independence of the United States.

It is important for us to know our ancestors.  Where they were born and what they did in their lives.    Most of us can only go back about 5 or 6 generations ago, but we would not be here without the long line of our ancestors who brought us into this world.My parents lived with my grandparents on my father’s side when I was a small boy and I also learned a lot about my grandparents.  They were devout Buddhists and I still remember the way they prayed and how they served sweets at the shrine of the Buddha at our home.  They took me often to the family grave site in the Buddhist temple.  I washed the grave stones of my ancestors and put the incense stick on the incense stand to show the sign of respect for those who passed on.  I attended many memorial services for my relatives at the Buddhist temple.  I learned early on that respecting and celebrating the souls of the elderly including the departed souls was very important.

My parents became Christians in their 20’s and I was raised in a Christian home, but I always respected the religious devotions and faith of my grandparents and in turn my grandparents respected our Christian faith.  My mother’s mother, or my grandmother, is someone I did not grow up to know because she died from diphtheria when my mother was only 6 years old.  When my grandmother was dying, she called her children to come next to her bed and said goodbye.  My mother used to tell my brother and me that the last words of her mother in front of her 5 children was,  “It is hard for me to say goodbye to all of you, but my life on this earth will soon end.” “I am sorry that I cannot see you grow up but be good to each other and help each other.”  “I know I will be with God and I will be watching over you from the sky above.” For my mother, it was incredibly difficult to grow up without her own mother.  I often remember seeing my mother cry because she said that she did not have her mother and felt sad and alone.

My mother is now 82 years old and resides in the Lutheran Home in Tokyo.  She has wonderful caretakers and people around her.  My wife Nancy also lost her father a year ago and her mother is living alone in her own home.  She is adjusting to her life without her husband. Nancy’s mother and my mother were born a month apart in the year 1930.   

Nancy is one of seven children, but all the children with the exception of two sisters live far away from their mother’s home in Pennsylvania.  So we made a pledge that we would gather together to be with Nancy’s mother twice a year and share time with all the family members. 

Every one of us will one day experience the loss of loved ones and friends in our lives but we must keep the memories alive of our loved ones and friends. That is why memorial services and remembering our loved ones and this memorial service today is very important.

In the book of Psalm Chapter 133 Verse 1 writes, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” 

It is good that we get together to have prayer and to hear the words of God’s comfort.  I believe the spirits of our loved ones are among us now as we remember them, as we hug each other and cry together.  The words “Remember” and “Remembrance” are very important words especially at a time like this. 

I want to read today’s Gospel lesson that is the 23rd chapter of Luke’s gospel the 39th to the 43rd verse.  Remember, this is the scene when Jesus was put on the cross, and there were two criminals also put on the cross on either side of Jesus.  “Then one of the criminals who were hanged blasphemed Him, saying, “If you are the Christ, save yourself and us.” But the other, answering, rebuked him, saying, “Do you not even fear God, seeing you are under the same condemnation? And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds, but this Man has done nothing wrong.” Then he said to Jesus, “Lord, remember me when You come into your kingdom.” And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.”

Can you imagine the excruciating pain of being put on the cross with nails hammered into both of your hands and feet?  One of the criminals said, “ If You are the Messiah, then save yourself and save us.”  But the other one said, “Do you not even fear God, we receive due reward of our deeds; but this Man has done nothing wrong.  Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”

It was extremely important that the criminals wanted to be remembered, even as they were dying.  It is also extremely important that we remember those who have gone before us.  Everyone needs to know and feel and believe that they will be remembered.

But, let me go back to the story of the two criminals on each side of Jesus on the cross. Let us remember what was said on that very day. One cursed Jesus, but the other repented and asked Jesus to remember him when Jesus goes to heaven.  Do you remember what Jesus told him?  “I say to you, today, you will be with me in ParadiseParadise is where all of us will end up one day because of the mercy of God.  It is the mercy and love of God which is our saving grace.  So trust in the Lord and have faith.  Amen.








マルコによる福音8章27-35節「あなたは私を“誰”と呼ぶか?」 “Who Do You Say I Am?”


私たちは誰でも名前を持っています。それもAさんとか、Bさんとか言う暗号のような名前でなく、小百合さん、太郎さん、花子さん、一郎さんというように名前を呼ばれてその人のイメージがすぐ頭の中に浮かびます。その一人ひとりのイメージは、私たちとの時間をかけての関係の中で作られ、生涯忘れることもない大切な人、友達となるのです。同じように学校の担任の先生、スポーツのコーチと、学校を卒業しても長い付き合いを続けている人も数多くいるはずです。時々人の名前を度忘れして冷や汗をかいたことがありますが, 「同じようにあなたの名前忘れてしまいましたが、苗字は岸野さんですよね」と言われて、ああ良かった、覚えてくれていたのかと嬉しくなる時もあります。








