December 23rd, 2012

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「律法の宗教 対 恵みの宗教」











これを英語ではこのように言い表します。Law convicts us to sin, but grace forgives us. 律法は私たちに律法を守ることができないことを指摘し、その反対に恵みは私たちをその罪から解き放ってくれるのです。


Now I want to share with you with a story of the husband and wife who didn’t really love each other. The man was very demanding, so much so that he prepared a list of rules and regulations for his wife to follow. He insisted that she read them over every day and obey them to the letter. Among other things, his “do’s and don’ts” indicated such details as what time she had to get up in the morning, when his breakfast should be served, and how the housework should be done. After several long years, the husband died. As time passed, the woman fell in love with another man, one who dearly loved her. Soon they were married. This husband did everything he could to make his new wife happy, continually showering her with tokens of his appreciation.

One day as he was cleaning house, she found tucked away in a drawer the list of commands her first husband had drawn up for her. As she looked it over, it dawned on her that even though her present husband hadn’t given her any kind of list, she was doing everything her first husband’s list required anyway. She realized she was so devoted to this man that her deepest desire was to please him out of love, not obligation.

This is the way we relate with our Lord Jesus.  No by the obligation, but out of love.  Husband and wife also pursuit their relationship with not by the obligation, but out of love and respect.

I have one more short story to tell you.  It’s a story of a man who did repent and found joy in his life.

Not so many years ago newspaper carried the story of Al Johnson, a Kansas man who came to faith in Jesus Christ.  What made his story remarkable was not his conversion, but the fact that as a result of his newfound faith in Christ, he confessed to a bank robbery he had participated in when he was 19 years old.Because the statute of limitations on the case had run out, Johnson could not be prosecuted for the offense.  Still he believed his relationship with Christ demanded a confession. And he even voluntarily repaid his share of the stolen money!  When Jesus comes within our hearts and minds, don’t we want to rebuild the right relationship with Him and amend our lives with right relationship?

Are you ready to meet with Jesus and find the right relationship with Him?  He welcomes you and I anytime when we knock on his door.  Amen.




Lutheran Church of the Resurrection Japanes Ministry

Merry  Christmas!  December,  2012



という意味である。 (マタイによる福音書1章23節)






12月23日 日曜日 午前11時半より  日本語部クリスマス聖餐礼拝

12月24日 月曜日 午後  4時より   聖誕祭燭火礼拝(日英両語)

          説教:岸野 豊 牧師 特別賛美:波多江美代子姉  



                     復活ルーテル教会日本語部 牧師 岸野 豊               


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クリスマス・イブ バイリンガル燭火礼拝英文ご案内

Christmas Invitation in English 2012


2012年12月9日の週報週報通算#1238号 (日本語)












ルカによる福音書 21章25-36節


私たちの父なる神と、主イエス・キリストより恵みと平安が、あなた方の上にあるように。 アーメン。














 “I will come to you whether you are ready or not”

May God the Father and The Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace.  Amen.


When Jesus was risen from the dead and then return to heaven, he has promised that he will come back or return to us.  That is called the Second coming of Jesus.  I don’t know about you, but there’s a certain comfort in imagining what it might be like to see the Second Coming of Christ.  After all that is what Jesus has promised to us. 

 But at the same time we think the second of coming of Jesus is the time of Armageddon. That is, the time of the rapture, the time of judgment of the people.  Those who has been faithful to Christ and his teaching and those who don’t have faith. You probably know some of the Christians who come to your home and tells you that you have to accept Christ or else. They are the one who also tell you the time Jesus is imminent that we need to prepare for him. 

 The famous radio talk show host Garrison Keillor who is the most famous Lutheran often talks about Church matter on his radio show “A Prairie Home Companion”.  He talked the conversation about the Advent with his parents were never a time of hope and expectation connected to the cradle and the manger; but a chance to anticipate the terror and cataclysm of the Rapture that is, the Last Days of the Second Coming of Christ.  I suspect some of you hold the conviction that Christ will come again, but the majority of Lutherans I know do not take this as threats, but rather that is the time for God to invite us to his kingdom in heaven.

 For most of us believe that Jesus Christ will invite us to his kingdom when our life on earth will come to end and that is not the frightening time, but joyous time.  Let me share with you the story I have read not so long ago.

 An elderly man sat on a park one afternoon late in the fall.  The air was cold, but he had been shopping on foot for w hours, ached, he needed to put down his parcels and rest a little before heading for home.  He was never prone to feel sorry for himself, but he felt a loneliness in the cold busts of wind and the thoughts of returning to his now empty house did not excite him.  He stared this large round hands as he worked them back and forth between his keens.

 Suddenly a small a smaller hand, pink and chubby, was placed on top of his own.  He jerked his head back and said, “Hi-yah” in a bit of raspy voice. Then he got to his feet, took the child by the hand and let it gently back to its mother who stood smiling just a few paces away.“Thank you,” the mother said, “He just learned to walk and has to race over and greet everyone.”

The man smiled, nodded, then picked up his package and started for home.  The ache was gone now.  So was the loneliness.  Memories of a chubby hand and a grinning face warmed him.  And just few minutes before, he had possess no idea of how close he was to this particular experience of Joy.”

 The story of the man and the little boy tells us that something wonderful is coming into this world.  During this season of Advent, we wait, we hope, get ready for Christ child who like that little boy will bring a measure of joy and happiness into this world.

In our gospel lesson this morning, Jesus is reminding us that his kingdom is coming into this world, he says: “And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and upon the earth distress of nations in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves, men fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world; for the powers of the heaven will be shaken.  And then they will see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.

 The son of man is coming into the world.  Jesus is coming at the end of time.  He is coming as a babe in the manger, He is coming to us through the word and sacraments.  Yes, He is coming!

Jesus tells us to prepare.  During this season of Advent, we are to prepare for the coming of Jesus.  And how do we prepare, we repent.  Jesus tells us to watch, to wait for He is coming.  Coming this Christmas and coming again at the end of time to redeem the whole world.

 Advent is the season of hope, and the season of repentance.  Our altar clothes have changed over the years for the season of Advent.  Remember they used to be purple which is the sign of repentance.  But now they are blue, the color of hope.

 In the chaos of this world.  In the tumult of life.  In brokenness we all feel, there is hope.  There is hope because Jesus is coming.  Coming as a babe to redeem this world.  Coming again at the end of time to finish His act of redemption.

 In late 18th century Poland, the Kaiser’s forces were burning all the Jewish villages.  One village had been burned and nothing was left standing.  As the sun came up the next morning an old Jewish gentleman pounded a few boards together, made a seller stall and opened it up for business. 

 A young man walked and passed, stared in disbelief and asked, “What are you selling among these ruins.  The man smiled and said, “I am selling hope.  You can sell water on a dry desert, so the place to sell hope is on the ash heap of destruction.”

 Hope!  We all want to hope.  Hope for a loved one who is sick.  Hope for someone who lost a job and wants to find a new one.  Hope for someone who has been given a broken heart and want stop find a new companion.  We all hope for something.

 Advent is a time for hope.  We hope and look forward to Jesus coming.  The hope of Jesus’ coming whether as a babe born in the manger or His second coming changes our lives.So, do you want to feel better?  Do you want the hope of Advent to fill your life? 

 Jesus is saying during this Advent season ready or not here I come.  I am coming as a babe in the manger.  I am coming at the end of time to finish redeeming the world.  I am coming now to bring hope to all those who are feeling brokenness of this world.  Ready or not here I come.

 When Jesus comes lives change.  When Jesus coms heart change.  When Jesus comes the world around us seems more hopeful.  Jesus comes amid the chaos of life.

 Here’s another story for you.  Christmas shoppers were racing every which way in the bargain center; cashiers struggled to stay ahead of growing lines and mounting customer impatience; loud speakers blasted a new “fantastic sale item” every 5 minutes. Amid the havoc, nobody noticed that an elderly woman had dropped her packages near and exit door and was having a rough time getting them together.

 Nobody, that is, except a plain looking teenage boy who came over, wordlessly reassembled her purchases, and then lifted the packages in his arms.  “I can get them to your car,” he said, a bit hesitantly.“Thanks!” she answered in a loud voice, and winked.The boy smiled.  Nobody saw them as they headed out the exit, but in a crowded bargain center something very good had happened.

Jesus came in the form of that shy, plain looking teenage boy and brought a smile and hope to that elderly woman.There is a hopefulness in this Advent time.  But also there is a warning from Jesus that we must be ready for his second coming.

 To close my message this morning, let me read the 34th verse of today’s gospel lesson.Jesus says:  “But take heed to yourselves lest yourselves lest your hearts be weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and care of this life, and that day come upon you suddenly like a snare”.

 esus says ready or not here I come.  Take heed to yourself means you must be ready.  You must repent.  You must not take Jesus’ salvation for granted. 

 “Cheap grace is the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance, baptism without church discipline, Communion without confession, absolution (forgiveness of sin) without personal confession.

 Are we ready to receive in our hearts?    Are you ready? Jesus says, “Ready or not here I come.” Amen.







週報通算#1237号  (日本語)

2012 12 2W

週報通算12137E号  (英語)

Sunday English Bulletin 1237E